[受賞] 中長期研究グループの齊藤英治教授が仁科記念賞を受賞 [Award] Professor Eiji Saitoh of the Mid- and Long-term Research Group awarded the Nishina Memorial Prize for 2022
11月10日、齊藤英治教授(東京大学 大学院工学系研究科)が、「スピン流物理学の開拓」の功績により、2022年度仁科記念賞の受賞者に決まったことが発表された。授賞式は、12 月 6 日(仁科芳雄博士のお誕生日)に執り行われる。
齊藤教授は、中長期研究(物理とAIの融合)「AIを活用した物質の量子的性質の解読 (Quantum ID -物質の「量子指紋」をAIで読み取り利用する-)」プロジェクトにおいて研究リーダーを務めている。
It was announced on November 10, 2022, that Professor Eiji SAITOH of the Graduate School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo, was selected as the awardee of the Nishina Memorial Prize for 2022 for his achievements on “Pioneering contribution to the physics of spin current”. The award ceremony will be held on December 6.
The Nishina Memorial Prize has been awarded to physicists for their outstanding achievements in the field of basic and applied physics every year since its establishment in 1955.
Prof. Saitoh gave the following comment on his selection, “This award recognizes the development of basic physics of spin current. In my group, we are currently developing spin current physics further and entering new research areas of quantum device physics and quantum AI. With this award as an encouragement, we will continue to contribute to the further development of science and technology.”
Prof. Saitoh is the project leader of the Basic research project (Integrating Physics and AI) entitled “Analysis of materials’ quantum properties using AI (Quantum ID: Exploiting “Quantum Fingerprintings” of materials with AI)” at the Institute for AI and Beyond.

・齊藤先生、プロジェクトページ AIを活用した物質の量子的性質の解読 (Quantum ID -物質の「量子指紋」をAIで読み取り利用する-)
・齊藤先生 研究室 プロフィールページ
・Nishina Memorial Foundation HP
・Press release announcing the winners (PDF)(Japanese only)
・Prof. Saitoh's Project page
・Saitoh lab. Profile page