[受賞] 伊藤信貴特任講師と杉山将教授との論文が、ICASSP2023においてベストペーパーアワードを受賞 [Award] Dr. Nobutaka ITO (Project Lecturer) and Professor Masashi SUGIYAMA won the Best Paper Award at ICASSP 2023
大学院新領域創成科学研究科の伊藤信貴特任講師と杉山将教授の論文「Audio Signal Enhancement with Learning from Positive and Unlabeled Data」が、2023年6月4日-10日にギリシャで開催されたICASSP 2023(2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing)において、6127編の投稿論文(内、2765編が採録)の中からベストペーパーアワードに選出されました。
6月9日、現地ギリシャのロードス島にて開かれた授賞式に参加した伊藤特任講師が、組織委員会Petros Maragosゼネラルチェアらから賞状を授与されました。
杉山教授と伊藤特任講師は、Beyond AI 研究推進機構の基礎研究プロジェクト「限られた教師情報からの高精度な予測モデルの自動構築に関する研究(研究リーダー:原田達也教授)」において、それぞれサブリーダー、研究担当者を務めています。
A scientific paper entitled “Audio Signal Enhancement with Learning from Positive and Unlabeled Data” written by Dr. Nobutaka ITO and Professor Masashi SUGIYAMA of the Graduate School of Frontier Science at the University of Tokyo was selected for the “Best Paper Award” at 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2023), one of the largest and most influential research conferences of the Signal Processing Society in the world. The paper was selected from 6127 submitted papers, of which 2765 were accepted for publication in the conference proceedings.
Dr. Ito who participated in-person in the conference, received the award at the awards ceremony held on Friday, June 9, in Rhodes, Greece from the organizing committee, represented by General Chair Dr. Petros Maragos.
Professor Sugiyama and Dr. Ito are respectively, the project sub-leader and associate researcher of the Basic research project (Advancement of Fundamental AI) titled “Automatic Learning of High Accurate Prediction Models from Limited Supervised Data” led by Professor Tatsuya HARADA (Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo) in the Institute for AI and Beyond.

<授賞式にて組織委員会のPetros Maragosゼネラルチェアらから祝福される伊藤特任講師>
Dr. Ito receiving the honorable certificate from Petros Maragos General Chair

・ICASSP2023 オフィシャルサイト
・Full paper
・ICASSP2023 Official website