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【プレスリリース】磁石に隠されていた振動の情報を取り出すことに成功 ――磁気情報デバイス開発に道―― [Press Release] Extracting the hidden coherence within magnets - New possibilities of the development of magnetic information devices.

東京大学大学院工学系研究科の巻内崇彦特任助教、日置友智助教、清水祐樹大学院生、星幸治郎特任研究員、齊藤英治教授(東北大学材料科学高等研究所(WPI-AIMR) 主任研究者、東京大学Beyond AI 研究推進機構 教授を兼務) らを中心とする研究グループは、東北大学材料科学高等研究所(WPI-AIMR)のMehrdad Elyasi助教、Gerrit Ernst-Wilhelm Bauer主任研究者 らと共同で、従来、磁石の中で短い時間しか存在できないと考えられていた磁気振動の情報(コヒーレンス) が桁違いに長い時間隠れて存在できる機構を発見し、それを取り出せることを明らかにしました。


本研究は、東京大学・ソフトバンクBeyond AI連携事業、科学技術振興機構(JST)戦略的創造研究推進事業CREST、戦略的創造研究推進事業ERATO、日本学術振興会(JSPS)科学研究費助成事業、などによる支援を受けて行われました。

本研究成果は、英国科学雑誌「Nature Materials」に2024 年2 月6 日(英国時間)に掲載されました。


・nature com.

・東京大学ホームページ(UTokyo Focus)

A research group consisting of Associate Professor Takahiko Makiuchi, Assistant Professors Tomosato Hioki and Yuki Shimizu, Graduate Student Koujiro Hoshi, and Professor Eiji Saitoh (also affiliated with IMR (Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University), as Chief Researcher, and concurrently serving as Professor at the Institute for AI and Beyond, The University of Tokyo, collaborated with Mehrdad Elyasi, Assistant Professor at IMR (Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University) (WPI-AIMR), and Gerrit Ernst-Wilhelm Bauer, Chief Researcher, to discover a mechanism that allows for persistent magnetic coherence in magnets, which was conventionally believed to last only for a short time.

The coherence within magnets has the potential to handle both 0 and 1 information, but maintaining this state for an extended period was considered challenging, limiting its practical applications. However, by successfully extracting the hidden coherence within magnets in this study, new possibilities have opened up for the development of magnetic information devices.

This research was supported by the Beyond AI Joint Project which is a collaborative initiative launched by the University of Tokyo and SoftBank, CREST-JST, ERATO-JST and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JSPS).

The findings of this research was published in the British scientific journal "Nature Materials" on February 6, 2024 (UK time).

・The full press release (in Japanese only) in PDF.

・nature com.

・UTokyo Focus

齊藤英治先生の研究グループからコラムがアップされました Professor Eiji Saitoh, leader of the Mid- and Long-term research project has posted a column regarding his research at the Institute for AI and Beyond

中長期研究プロジェクト「AIを活用した物質の量子的性質の解読 (Quantum ID – 物質の
「量子指紋」をAIで読み取り利用する - )」の齊藤英治リーダー(大学院工学系研究科 教授)が
自身のHPにBeyond AI 研究推進機構での研究に関するコラムをアップしました。

タイトル: 機械学習を用いた新たな挑戦:AIと物理は相性が良い?(by 皆川麻利江/研究協力者)


Professor Eiji Saitoh of the Graduate School of Engineering, leader of the Mid- and Long-term research project "Analysis of materials’ quantum properties using AI (Quantum ID: Exploiting “Quantum Fingerprintings” of materials with AI)", has posted a column on his website regarding his research at the Institute for AI and Beyond.
The column is titled “New Challenges with Machine Learning - Are AI and Physics a Good Match?” and written by Marie Minagawa, his research collaborator.

・Link to the column (available in Japanese only):
・Prof. Saitoh’s Research Project page:

[受賞] 中長期研究グループの齊藤英治教授が仁科記念賞を受賞 [Award] Professor Eiji Saitoh of the Mid- and Long-term Research Group awarded the Nishina Memorial Prize for 2022

11月10日、齊藤英治教授(東京大学 大学院工学系研究科)が、「スピン流物理学の開拓」の功績により、2022年度仁科記念賞の受賞者に決まったことが発表された。授賞式は、12 月 6 日(仁科芳雄博士のお誕生日)に執り行われる。



齊藤教授は、中長期研究(物理とAIの融合)「AIを活用した物質の量子的性質の解読 (Quantum ID -物質の「量子指紋」をAIで読み取り利用する-)」プロジェクトにおいて研究リーダーを務めている。

It was announced on November 10, 2022, that Professor Eiji SAITOH of the Graduate School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo, was selected as the awardee of the Nishina Memorial Prize for 2022 for his achievements on “Pioneering contribution to the physics of spin current”. The award ceremony will be held on December 6.

The Nishina Memorial Prize has been awarded to physicists for their outstanding achievements in the field of basic and applied physics every year since its establishment in 1955.

Prof. Saitoh gave the following comment on his selection, “This award recognizes the development of basic physics of spin current. In my group, we are currently developing spin current physics further and entering new research areas of quantum device physics and quantum AI. With this award as an encouragement, we will continue to contribute to the further development of science and technology.”

Prof. Saitoh is the project leader of the Basic research project (Integrating Physics and AI) entitled “Analysis of materials’ quantum properties using AI (Quantum ID: Exploiting “Quantum Fingerprintings” of materials with AI)” at the Institute for AI and Beyond.

・齊藤先生、プロジェクトページ AIを活用した物質の量子的性質の解読 (Quantum ID -物質の「量子指紋」をAIで読み取り利用する-)
・齊藤先生 研究室 プロフィールページ

・Nishina Memorial Foundation HP
・Press release announcing the winners (PDF)(Japanese only)
・Prof. Saitoh's Project page
・Saitoh lab. Profile page

[プレスリリース] AIを利用し「量子指紋」を解読することに成功 Press Release: Researchers succeed in deciphering "quantum fingerprints" using AI (Artificial Intelligence).

東京大学大学院工学系研究科・Beyond AI研究推進機構の大門俊介 助教齊藤英治 教授らを中心とする研究グループは、上智大学理工学部の大槻東巳 教授らと共同で量子干渉を理解するAIを開発し、電気抵抗の情報から試料のナノ微細構造を復元することに成功しました。

本研究により開発されたAIは、ミクロなレベルでの試料の構造や不純物などの情報を持つ「量子指紋」を理解することができます。電気抵抗に現れる量子指紋を解読することで、電気抵抗の情報のみから金属内部のミクロな構造を復元することに成功しました。本研究成果は、A Iを利用したナノ構造顕微鏡への応用が可能であると考えられ、次世代エレクトロニクスデバイス開発への貢献が期待されます。

本研究成果は、2022年6月8日(英国時間)に英国科学雑誌「Nature Communications」に掲載されました。



A Iを利用し「量子指紋」を解読することに成功

Dr. Shunsuke DAIMON and Professor Eiji SAITOH at the Institute for AI and Beyond, and the Graduate School of Engineering of the University of Tokyo, in collaboration with Professor Tomi OHTSUKI of Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University, developed an AI that understands quantum interference and succeeded in reconstructing nano-microstructures of a sample from the information of resistance data.

The AI developed through this research can understand “quantum fingerprints”, which carry microscopic information on the sample structure and impurity distributions of a sample. By deciphering the quantum fingerprint in the resistance, they succeeded in reconstructing the nano-microscopic structure inside metals based solely on the information of the resistance. This research result is expected to be applicable also to nano-structure microscopy using AI and contribute to the development of next-generation electronic devices.

This research result was published in Nature Communications on 8 June 2022 (UK time).

The full press release (in Japanese only) is available here (PDF).

Related link: UTokyo HP( (Japanese only)

[受賞] 研究リーダーの齊藤英治 教授が「日本学士院賞」を受賞されました [AWARDS] Professor Eiji Saitoh, Department of Applied Physics, received Japan Academy Prize

2022年3月14日、基礎研究(中長期研究)「AIを活用した物質の量子的性質の解読(Quantum ID -物質の「量子指紋」をAIで読み取り利用する-)」研究プロジェクトの研究リーダー 齊藤英治 教授が「日本学士院賞」を受賞されました。

On 14th March 2022, Professor Eiji Saitoh, the leader of the Basic Research “Analysis of materials’ quantum properties using AI” received the Japan Academy Prize.




【受賞・表彰等】物理工学専攻 齊藤英治 教授が「日本学士院賞」を受賞されました

Japan Academy Prize
The Japan Academy Prizes is awarded to persons who have achieved notable research landmarks or who have authored particularly outstanding academic papers or books.

About awarded research
Pioneering Research on Physics of Spin Current

Related Links
Japan Academy: Recipients of the Imperial Prize, the Japan Academy Prizes and the Duke of Edinburgh Prize elected

Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo:
【Awards and Commendations】Professor Eiji Saitoh, Department of Applied Physics, received Japan Academy Prize