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【プレスリリース】HL7 FHIR規格による健康・医療データの標準化と データ流通を促進する新会社「HEMILLIONS」を設立 〜安全・安心に健康・医療データを活用できる社会を構築し、 次世代の医療やヘルスケアの実現を目指す〜  【Press Release】HEMILLIONS Inc. established to promote the standardization and dissemination of health and medical data using the HL7 FHIR standard - Aiming to realize the next generation of medicine and healthcare by creating a society where health and medical data are utilized safely and securely -


HEMILLIONSは、Beyond AI 研究推進機構における取り組みからスタートし、技術研究組合(CIP)を経て株式会社化されました。Beyond AI 研究推進機構は、最先端研究とAI(人工知能)との融合によって新たな学術分野の創出を目指すとともに、研究成果の実社会における活用を加速し、教育研究の充実に必要な資源を大学に還元するエコシステムの構築を進めています。HEMILLIONSはBeyond AI 研究推進機構から事業化および株式会社化した第1号であり、また東京大学にとっては知の対価として、事業会社の普通株式を直接保有する初のケースとなります。 Beyond AI 研究推進機構では、今後もエコシステムの構築を進めるべく、CIPの制度などを活用した事業化を進めて参ります。


・東京大学ホームページUTokyo Focus
・ソフトバンク HP

HEMILLIONS Inc., a commercial company, was established on 7th April as a joint initiative of the University of Tokyo, SoftBank Corp., and KIS Inc. The company will promote health and medical data standardization and their dissemination by utilizing the HL7 FHIR (FHIR: Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) standard. Ultimately, HEMILLIONS will work towards building a society that can utilize health and medical data safely and securely by developing and providing solutions such as FRUCtoS, a platform software including FHIR server.

The HEMILLIONS started as an applied research project, a part of the efforts undertaken by the Institute for AI and Beyond, and was later converted to a joint venture company through the Collaborative Innovation Partnership (CIP) system. It is the first commercialized and incorporated company initiated by the Institute. It is also the first case for the University of Tokyo to directly hold common shares of a company in return for their intellectual properties.

The Institute of AI and Beyond aims to create new academic fields by integrating fundamental technology research of AI and other research fields. It also aims to establish an ecosystem which can return resources to the University to enhance its education and research activities by accelerating the social implementation and business deployment of the research outcomes generated from the Institute. The Institute will continue its efforts in commercialization based on the research outcomes via the CIP system to further promote the ecosystem.

The full press release is available below (in Japanese only) (PDF).

UTokyo Focus
SoftBank News

B’AI グローバル・フォーラムの編著『AIから読み解く社会 ――権力化する最新技術』が刊行されました B’AI Global Forum has published its first book “Understanding AI in Society: How Technology Exerts Power.”

板津木綿子教授(大学院情報学環・学際学府)が率いるB’AI グローバル・フォーラムから、編著『AIから読み解く社会 ――権力化する最新技術』(東京大学出版会、2023年3月)が刊行されました。

板津教授は、中長期研究プロジェクト B’AI Global Forum(ビー・エイアイ グローバル・フォーラム) AI時代における真のジェンダー平等社会の実現とマイノリティの権利保障のための規範・倫理・実践研究においてリーダーを務めています。


B’AI Global Forum ウエブサイト

B’AI Global Forum led by Professor Yuko Itatsu of the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, has published its first book “Understanding AI in Society: How Technology Exerts Power.” (The University of Tokyo Press, March 2023) .

Professor Itatsu is the research leader of the basic research project “B’AI Global Forum: Research on norms, ethics and praxis for a truly gender equal society and a guarantee of rights for minorities in the AI age”.

For further details of the book, please visit the website below (Japanese only).

B’AI Global Forum Official Website

科学雑誌 Nature (2023年3月9日号)にBeyond AI 研究推進機構の記事広告が掲載されました An advertisement article entitled "The surprising new ideas coming from AI” of the Institute for AI and Beyond appeared in the scientific journal Nature on 9 March

国際的な総合科学雑誌 Nature (2023年3月9日号)に、Beyond AI 研究推進機構の記事広告「The surprising new ideas coming from AI」がNature Index Japan特集の一部として掲載されました。
当記事では、Beyond AI 研究推進機構の取組と共に、中長期研究プロジェクトの池内与志穂 生産技術研究所 准教授(人工脳組織を用いた脳機能解明)、齊藤英治 工学系研究科 教授(大AIを活用した物質の量子的性質の解読 (Quantum ID -物質の「量子指紋」をAIで読み取り利用する-)、板津木綿子リーダー 情報学環・学際情報学府 教授(B’AI Global Forum(ビー・エイアイ グローバル・フォーラム) AI時代における真のジェンダー平等社会の実現とマイノリティの権利保障のための規範・倫理・実践研究)の研究が取り上げられています。

特集のトップページ :

An advertisement article entitled “The surprising new ideas coming from AI” about the Institute for AI and Beyond was published in the international scientific journal Nature on 9 March. The article was featured as part of a special issue on Japan by Nature Index. In the article, the efforts of the Institute are covered as well as the studies of Associate Professor Yoshiho IKEUCHI of the Institute of Industrial Science, Professor Eiji SAITOH of the Graduate School of Engineering, and Professor Yuko ITATSU of Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies are discussed. All three faculty are research leaders of Mid- and Long-term Research Projects at the Institute.

Link to the articles:
Link to the Top page of the special issue of Nature Index:
Nature issued on March 9, 2023

【プレスリリース】「JR博多シティ」における、AIを活用した 来館者数や売り上げの高精度予測の研究を開始 ~来館者の満足度の向上や売り上げ拡大に向けた各種施策に活用~ [Press Release] Research using AI on highly accurate forecasting of number of visitors and sales at JR Hakata City has begun - Utilizing AI to improve visitor satisfaction and increase sales -

東京大学 空間情報科学研究センターの高橋孝明教授と菅澤翔之助准教授が独自に開発した統計手法を組み込んだAIに、ソフトバンクの人流統計データとJR九州グループ各社から提供される各種データを活用し、高精度な来館者数および売り上げ予測を行う研究が開始されました。



・東京大学 Utokyo Focus
・ソフトバンク ニュース

The research using AI enhanced with statistical methods developed by Professor Takaaki Takahashi and Associate Professor Shonosuke Sugasawa of the Center for Spatial Information Science at the University of Tokyo, along with statistical data on human flow and various other data provided by SoftBank Corp. and JR Kyushu Group companies respectively, to provide highly accurate forecasts of the number of visitors and sales has started.

This research considers JR Hakata Station as a representative model of a growing city in Japan and uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) to identify factors that influence the number of visitors and sales at JR Hakata City, a large-scale commercial facility adjacent to JR Hakata Station, in order to make more accurate long-term forecasts. The goal of the research is to create attractive facilities for users by adapting the results of this research in various measures to improve users’ satisfaction and increase sales as well as contribute to promoting smart cities in other cities in Japan.

The full press release (in Japanese only) by Kyushu Railway Company, JR Kyushu Ekibiru Holdings, JR HAKATA CITY Co., Ltd., the University of Tokyo and SoftBank Corp is available as below (PDF).

<Related Links> ※ available in Japanese only
・Press Release at UTokyo Focus
・Press Release at SoftBank

【プレスリリース】「次世代AI都市シミュレーター」の実証実験を加速・拡大 ~人の動き×デジタルツインによる都市の課題解決の手法の確立を目指す~ [Press Release] Accelerating and expanding the field experiment for “Next-Generation AI Urban Simulator” - Establishing a new methodology to solve urban issues by utilizing flow of people and digital twin simulation -


「次世代AI都市シミュレーター」は、東京大学とソフトバンクがBeyond AI 研究推進機構の研究テーマの一つとして、2021年4月から小田急電鉄と協力して研究開発に取り組んでいるものです。



・東京大学 Utokyo Focus

The University of Tokyo and SoftBank Corp. (hereinafter referred to as SoftBank), in collaboration with Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to Odakyu Railway), began a new field experiment in December 2022 related to the Next-Generation AI Urban Simulator, expanding the target from a limited number of commercial facilities around Odakyu Ebina Station to cover the entire area around the Station.

“Next-Generation AI Urban Simulator” is one of the research themes promoted by the Institute for AI and Beyond under collaborative initiatives by the University of Tokyo and SoftBank, which have conducted the said research and development since April 2021, in collaboration with Odakyu Railway.

The field experiment aims to revitalize the livelihood and economy of the entire city by attracting more participants to local events, promoting purchasing activities, as well as improving efficiency of store operations based on the data acquired by “Next Generation AI Urban Simulator”. Furthermore, it is expected to solve urban issues such as reducing food loss and saving energy etc., to realize a sustainable urban environment.

Please see the following full press release (in Japanese only) (PDF).

<Related Links> ※ available in Japanese only
・Press Release at UTokyo Focus
・Press Release at SoftBank HP
・Press Release at Odakyu Railway HP

[募集] [学内限定] ソフトバンクと東京大学の協創(Beyond AI 連携事業)における 研究/事業化シーズ(プレハイサイクル研究)を募集 [Call for Proposals][for UTokyo teaching staff Only] Call for proposals on research/seeds for commercialization (pre-“high-cycle” research) in Beyond AI Joint Project of SoftBank and the University of Tokyo


ソフトバンクとのBeyond AI 連携事業では、研究成果の社会実装・事業化を目的としたエコシステムの形成を目指しています。
現在、Beyond AI 研究推進機構では、中長期研究(基礎研究)とハイサイクル研究(応用研究)を実施し、ハイサイクル研究ではその研究成果をCIP(技術研究組合)設立、さらには会社設立を通して社会実装・事業化を実現し、我が国のさらなるAI研究の発展とよりよい社会の実現に貢献することを目的として活動しています。


研究期間  :原則1年以内(年度を跨る場合は、年度毎の決算)
研究予算  :直接経費1,000万円以内
応募締め切り:2022年12月23日 金曜日(下記3分野テーマ)
       2023年1月6日 金曜日(下記3分野テーマ以外)
その他   :機構との相談、ソフトバンク担当者との調整等を経て、採否を決定。ハイサイクル研究や事業化への移行を目指したフィージビリティスタディ的な研究に取り組む。



宛先:bai.kenkyushien.adm[at] [at]を@に変えてください。
(Beyond AI 研究推進機構 研究支援担当)

To the University of Tokyo faculty,

Beyond AI Joint Project with SoftBank aims to build an ecosystem for the social implementation and commercialization of research results through the Institute for AI and Beyond.
Currently, the Institute promotes mid-to-long-term (basic research) and “high-cycle” research (applied research), and we aim to contribute to the further development of AI research and a better society in Japan by establishing collaborative innovation partnerships (CIP) and companies to commercialize and implement the results of the “high-cycle” research in society.

To expedite our efforts, the Institute for AI and Beyond has decided to call for proposals for pre-“high-cycle” research/seeds for commercialization.
Accordingly, we eagerly await proposals from interested professors.

◇Overview of the pre-“high-cycle” research
Research period: Generally, within 1 year (reported for each year even if crossing over academic years)
Research budget: Direct costs within 10 million JPY
Application deadline:
Friday, December 23, 2022 (for the three topics listed below)
Friday, January 6, 2023 (for topics other than the three listed below)
Misc.: Acceptance/rejection will be determined based on consultation with the organization and coordination with relevant staff at SoftBank. In pre-“high-cycle” research, you are supposed to undertake a feasibility study aimed at shifting to “high-cycle” research and commercialization

※For more details please read the document in PDF linked as below;

Please apply as per the instructions mentioned on the above document in PDF by sending the necessary information via "Contact" on our website linked as below;

Please send any queries you may have regarding the invitation for proposals to the following address:
Please change [at] to @
(Research Support Team at the Institute for AI and Beyond)

[プレスリリース]ソフトバンクと東京大学が共同で次世代AI人材育成を目的とした教育プログラムを実施 [Press Release] Softbank and The University of Tokyo to Implement an Educational Program Aiming to Train Next-Generation AI Talents

本プログラムは、世界で活躍できる次世代のAI人材の育成を目的に、AIやデータ活用について実践的に学び、ビジネスの最前線を体感できるデータハッカソンの開催、勉強会、交流会、グローバル・インターンシップの実施を含むプログラムとなっており、Beyond AI 研究推進機構による取り組みの一環として開催される。
プログラム全体の企画と運営に関しては、ソフトバンクが企業向けに提供するAI・DX人材育成サービス「Axross Recipe for Biz(アクロス・レシピ・フォー・ビズ)」の提供や、ソフトバンクの出資先であるFindability Sciences Inc.(ファインダビリティ・サイエンシス・インク)との連携など、グループのリソースやノウハウを活用して実施する。


・Findability Sciences Inc.

SoftBank Corp. (hereinafter referred to SoftBank) and the University of Tokyo will collaboratively implement an educational program aiming to train next-generation AI talents who can work globally, targeted for students of the University of Tokyo between 1st February and 1st March, 2023.
The program is part of the efforts by the Institute for AI and Beyond of the University of Tokyo to give opportunities for students to learn about AI and data applications. The program’s aim is also to provide them experience in the front lines of business in a practical way through data hackathons experiences, study groups activities, social events, and global internships etc.
The overall planning and operation of the program will be run by SoftBank, leveraging its own resources and know-hows through Axross Recipe Biz, which usually provides services to businesses, as well as through collaboration with Findability Sciences Inc., an investee of SoftBank.

Registration for participation is scheduled to open on 2nd December on the UTokyo website. For details, please refer to the Press Release from the SoftBank as linked below.
Note that the educational program will be in Japanese.

<Related Links> ※ available in Japanese only
・Press Release by SoftBank
・Article at SoftBank HP
・Web page for registration at UTokyo
・Findability Sciences Inc.

[受賞] 中長期研究グループの齊藤英治教授が仁科記念賞を受賞 [Award] Professor Eiji Saitoh of the Mid- and Long-term Research Group awarded the Nishina Memorial Prize for 2022

11月10日、齊藤英治教授(東京大学 大学院工学系研究科)が、「スピン流物理学の開拓」の功績により、2022年度仁科記念賞の受賞者に決まったことが発表された。授賞式は、12 月 6 日(仁科芳雄博士のお誕生日)に執り行われる。



齊藤教授は、中長期研究(物理とAIの融合)「AIを活用した物質の量子的性質の解読 (Quantum ID -物質の「量子指紋」をAIで読み取り利用する-)」プロジェクトにおいて研究リーダーを務めている。

It was announced on November 10, 2022, that Professor Eiji SAITOH of the Graduate School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo, was selected as the awardee of the Nishina Memorial Prize for 2022 for his achievements on “Pioneering contribution to the physics of spin current”. The award ceremony will be held on December 6.

The Nishina Memorial Prize has been awarded to physicists for their outstanding achievements in the field of basic and applied physics every year since its establishment in 1955.

Prof. Saitoh gave the following comment on his selection, “This award recognizes the development of basic physics of spin current. In my group, we are currently developing spin current physics further and entering new research areas of quantum device physics and quantum AI. With this award as an encouragement, we will continue to contribute to the further development of science and technology.”

Prof. Saitoh is the project leader of the Basic research project (Integrating Physics and AI) entitled “Analysis of materials’ quantum properties using AI (Quantum ID: Exploiting “Quantum Fingerprintings” of materials with AI)” at the Institute for AI and Beyond.

・齊藤先生、プロジェクトページ AIを活用した物質の量子的性質の解読 (Quantum ID -物質の「量子指紋」をAIで読み取り利用する-)
・齊藤先生 研究室 プロフィールページ

・Nishina Memorial Foundation HP
・Press release announcing the winners (PDF)(Japanese only)
・Prof. Saitoh's Project page
・Saitoh lab. Profile page

[受賞]長井志江特任教授が世界のロボティクス分野で著名な女性研究者に与えられる国際的賞WiRESを受賞 [Award] Project Professor Yukie NAGAI awarded the “Women in Robotics Engineering and Science (WiRES)” at IROS 2022

研究リーダーの長井志江特任教授(東京大学 国際高等研究所 ニューロインテリジェンス国際研究機構)が、2022年10月23-27日に京都で開催されたIROS (The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems、2022年大会において、認知発達ロボティクスやロボット学習での貢献が高く評価され、世界のロボティクス分野の著名な女性研究者に与えられる「35 Women in Robotics Engineering and Science (WiRES)」を受賞した。

長井特任教授は、2020年6月にも雑誌Analytics Insightにより世界で最も著名なロボティクス分野の女性50名に選ばれている。


Project Professor Yukie NAGAI of the university’s International Research Center for Neurointelligence (IRCN) was awarded the “Women in Robotics Engineering and Science (WiRES)” at IROS 2022 (The 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems), one of the largest and most influential research conferences in robotics in the world, for her contributions in cognitive developmental robotics and robot learning research. She was invited to give a talk in a special session dedicated to WiRES awardees with four other renowned women researchers on October 25 at IROS.

Professor Nagai has also been named one of the 50 most prominent women in robotics in the world by the journal, Analytics Insight, in June 2020.

Professor Nagai is the project leader of the Basic research project (AI and Society) entitled "AI x Tojisha-Kenkyu: Computational Neuroscience for Systematic Understanding of Cognitive Individuality” at the Institute for AI and Beyond of the University of Tokyo.

IROS 2022にて、35人のWiRES受賞者の一人として紹介される長井教授。

Dr. Nagai becomes one of 35 women to be honored with a 2022 Women in Robotics Engineering and Science Award.

Beyond AI サイエンスカフェが東京大学の「学内広報」で紹介されました The 6th and 7th Beyond AI Science Café introduced in "Daigaku Koho- Campus Magazine”, UTokyo

8月に発行された「学内広報」(NO.1561)の「topics」CLOSE UPにおいて、第6回(池内 与志穂先生)と第7回(村山 斉先生)のBeyond AI サイエンスカフェのYouTube公開が紹介されました。

 東京大学「学内広報」 2022年8月 NO.1561(2021.8.31)

The 6th and 7th Beyond AI Science Café movies uploaded at YouTube was covered as an CLOSE UP article at “topics” page in the "Daigaku Koho- Campus Magazine” (August, 2022, No. 1561), UTokyo.

Japanese Only :
The University of Tokyo "University Press" August 2022, NO.1561 (2022.8.31)
The "Daigaku Koho- Campus Magazine” (August 2022, No. 1561 on August 31, 2022), UTokyo