[学内限定] Beyond AI 研究推進機構 ポスター発表会 [For UTokyo Students, Faculty and Staff Only] Poster Presentations by the Institute for AI and Beyond
2023年10月10日 (火)、Beyond AI 研究推進機構によるポスター発表会を武田ホール・ホワイエ(本郷キャンパス 浅野地区)にて開催いたします。本学の学生、教職員であれば、会場にてポスター発表をご覧いただけますので、ご案内申し上げます。
当ポスター発表会は、基礎・応用研究の各グループ、アラムナイをはじめ、CIP(技術研究組合)・ソフトバンク関係等の研究者が、ポスターによる研究発表を行うと共に、Beyond AIコミュニティ、及び学内の学生・教職員らと交流することで、研究の更なる発展と新しい展開を期待するものです。
■日 時:2023年10月10日(火) 15:00 - 18:00 (参加者受付開始 14:30~)
■主 催:東京大学 Beyond AI 研究推進機構
■会 場:武田先端知ビル5階(浅野キャンパス) 武田ホール・ホワイエ
The Poster Presentations by the Institute for AI and Beyond will be held on Tuesday October 10th at Takeda Hall/Foyer on Asano Section. Students, faculty, and staff members of the University of Tokyo are welcome to attend the event.
In this poster presentation, researchers from each Basic and Applied research groups, and Alumni committee of the Institute for AI and Beyond, Collaborative Innovation Partnership (CIP) and SoftBank, present their research by poster and interact with the Beyond AI community and students, faculty and staff members of the University of Tokyo. The goal is to further develop research and promote new collaborations.
■Date & Time: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 15:00-18:00(JST)Opening at 14:30 for participants
■Organized by the Institute for AI and Beyond, the University of Tokyo
■Language: Japanese or English
■Venue: Takeda Hall (5th Floor of the Takeda Building, the University of Tokyo)

問合せ先:東京大学 Beyond AI 研究推進機構 事務局
E-mail:bai.kouhou_event.adm [at] gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
・Registration is not required for attending the events
・Please refrain from photographing posters on the day of the event without permission from the poster presenters.
・Please refrain from participating if you have a fever or are feeling unwell.
・When conversing at the venue, we recommend that you wear a mask or keep a reasonable distance from the person you are conversing with.
Inquiries: Office of the Institute for AI and Beyond
Email: bai.kouhou_event.adm [at] gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
(Please change [at] to @)