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[募集] [学内限定] ソフトバンクと東京大学の協創(Beyond AI 連携事業)において NVIDIA DGX SuperPODを活用して課題解決に挑戦する研究グループを募集 [Call for Proposals][for UTokyo teaching staff Only] Call for Research Groups to Solve Challenges Using NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD in the joint project between SoftBank and the University of Tokyo (Beyond AI Joint Project)


ソフトバンクとのBeyond AI 連携事業では、研究成果の社会実装・事業化を目的としたエコシステムの形成を目指しています。

今般、Beyond AI 研究推進機構では、生成AIに関連するテーマの産業化促進のため、ソフトバンク株式会社が抱える課題を解決したり、新たな研究アイディアを提案したりする研究グループ(一人でも可、学生のみは不可)を募集いたします。研究を行うにあたり、ソフトバンク株式会社からは以下が無償で提供されます。

1.大規模AIコンピューティング「NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD」(無償)

以上に加えて、Beyond AI 連携事業のプレハイサイクル研究の枠組みで研究予算が提供されます。

■ 公募概要(プレハイサイクル研究)


宛先:bai.kenkyushien.adm[at] [at]を@に変えてください。
(Beyond AI 研究推進機構 研究支援担当)


To the University of Tokyo faculty,

Beyond AI Joint Project with SoftBank aims to build an ecosystem for the social implementation and commercialization of research results through the Institute for AI and Beyond.
Currently, the Institute promotes mid-to-long-term (basic research) and “high-cycle” research (applied research). In high-cycle research, we aim to achieve social implementation and commercialization through the establishment of collaborative innovation partnerships (CIP) and eventually the establishment of companies, contributing to the further development of AI research in Japan and the realization of a better society.

The Institute for AI and Beyond has decided to call for proposals from research groups (individuals are also acceptable, but not students only) to solve issues faced by SoftBank or propose new research ideas to promote the industrialization of themes related to generative AI.
The following will be provided free of charge by SoftBank for conducting research:

1. Large-scale AI computing "NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD" (free of charge)
2. Support for building the necessary environment to utilize the above SuperPOD (free of charge)
3. Creation of AI learning data necessary for research (free of charge only if requested to be created by Softbank)

In addition, research budgets will be provided within the framework of pre-high-cycle research in Beyond AI Joint Project with SoftBank.

Overview of the Call for Proposals (Pre-High-Cycle Research)
■ Research Period: In principle, within one year (if crossing fiscal years, settlement is done annually)
■ Research Budget (excluding the above free provisions): Direct costs up to 10 million yen per project
■ Number of Projects to be Promoted: Approximately 6 projects
■ Eligibility: Faculty members (including project faculty members) and researchers (such as project researchers) with an employment relationship with the University of Tokyo
■ Application Deadline: By 18:00 on Monday, January 20, 2025 (JST)
■ Others: Decision on acceptance or rejection will be made after interview by the institute and consultation with the SoftBank researchers.
Themes other than those being recruited are also accepted, but themes that cannot create synergy with SoftBank may not be adopted.

※ Please be sure to check the following PDF (jn Japanese) for details (including how to apply).

Please send any queries you may have regarding the invitation for proposals to the following address:
Please change [at] to @
(Research Support Team at the Institute for AI and Beyond)


【プレスリリース】HL7 FHIR規格による健康・医療データの標準化と データ流通を促進する新会社「HEMILLIONS」を設立 〜安全・安心に健康・医療データを活用できる社会を構築し、 次世代の医療やヘルスケアの実現を目指す〜  【Press Release】HEMILLIONS Inc. established to promote the standardization and dissemination of health and medical data using the HL7 FHIR standard - Aiming to realize the next generation of medicine and healthcare by creating a society where health and medical data are utilized safely and securely -


HEMILLIONSは、Beyond AI 研究推進機構における取り組みからスタートし、技術研究組合(CIP)を経て株式会社化されました。Beyond AI 研究推進機構は、最先端研究とAI(人工知能)との融合によって新たな学術分野の創出を目指すとともに、研究成果の実社会における活用を加速し、教育研究の充実に必要な資源を大学に還元するエコシステムの構築を進めています。HEMILLIONSはBeyond AI 研究推進機構から事業化および株式会社化した第1号であり、また東京大学にとっては知の対価として、事業会社の普通株式を直接保有する初のケースとなります。 Beyond AI 研究推進機構では、今後もエコシステムの構築を進めるべく、CIPの制度などを活用した事業化を進めて参ります。


・東京大学ホームページUTokyo Focus
・ソフトバンク HP

HEMILLIONS Inc., a commercial company, was established on 7th April as a joint initiative of the University of Tokyo, SoftBank Corp., and KIS Inc. The company will promote health and medical data standardization and their dissemination by utilizing the HL7 FHIR (FHIR: Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) standard. Ultimately, HEMILLIONS will work towards building a society that can utilize health and medical data safely and securely by developing and providing solutions such as FRUCtoS, a platform software including FHIR server.

The HEMILLIONS started as an applied research project, a part of the efforts undertaken by the Institute for AI and Beyond, and was later converted to a joint venture company through the Collaborative Innovation Partnership (CIP) system. It is the first commercialized and incorporated company initiated by the Institute. It is also the first case for the University of Tokyo to directly hold common shares of a company in return for their intellectual properties.

The Institute of AI and Beyond aims to create new academic fields by integrating fundamental technology research of AI and other research fields. It also aims to establish an ecosystem which can return resources to the University to enhance its education and research activities by accelerating the social implementation and business deployment of the research outcomes generated from the Institute. The Institute will continue its efforts in commercialization based on the research outcomes via the CIP system to further promote the ecosystem.

The full press release is available below (in Japanese only) (PDF).

UTokyo Focus
SoftBank News

【プレスリリース】「JR博多シティ」における、AIを活用した 来館者数や売り上げの高精度予測の研究を開始 ~来館者の満足度の向上や売り上げ拡大に向けた各種施策に活用~ [Press Release] Research using AI on highly accurate forecasting of number of visitors and sales at JR Hakata City has begun - Utilizing AI to improve visitor satisfaction and increase sales -

東京大学 空間情報科学研究センターの高橋孝明教授と菅澤翔之助准教授が独自に開発した統計手法を組み込んだAIに、ソフトバンクの人流統計データとJR九州グループ各社から提供される各種データを活用し、高精度な来館者数および売り上げ予測を行う研究が開始されました。



・東京大学 Utokyo Focus
・ソフトバンク ニュース

The research using AI enhanced with statistical methods developed by Professor Takaaki Takahashi and Associate Professor Shonosuke Sugasawa of the Center for Spatial Information Science at the University of Tokyo, along with statistical data on human flow and various other data provided by SoftBank Corp. and JR Kyushu Group companies respectively, to provide highly accurate forecasts of the number of visitors and sales has started.

This research considers JR Hakata Station as a representative model of a growing city in Japan and uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) to identify factors that influence the number of visitors and sales at JR Hakata City, a large-scale commercial facility adjacent to JR Hakata Station, in order to make more accurate long-term forecasts. The goal of the research is to create attractive facilities for users by adapting the results of this research in various measures to improve users’ satisfaction and increase sales as well as contribute to promoting smart cities in other cities in Japan.

The full press release (in Japanese only) by Kyushu Railway Company, JR Kyushu Ekibiru Holdings, JR HAKATA CITY Co., Ltd., the University of Tokyo and SoftBank Corp is available as below (PDF).

<Related Links> ※ available in Japanese only
・Press Release at UTokyo Focus
・Press Release at SoftBank

【プレスリリース】「次世代AI都市シミュレーター」の実証実験を加速・拡大 ~人の動き×デジタルツインによる都市の課題解決の手法の確立を目指す~ [Press Release] Accelerating and expanding the field experiment for “Next-Generation AI Urban Simulator” - Establishing a new methodology to solve urban issues by utilizing flow of people and digital twin simulation -


「次世代AI都市シミュレーター」は、東京大学とソフトバンクがBeyond AI 研究推進機構の研究テーマの一つとして、2021年4月から小田急電鉄と協力して研究開発に取り組んでいるものです。



・東京大学 Utokyo Focus

The University of Tokyo and SoftBank Corp. (hereinafter referred to as SoftBank), in collaboration with Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to Odakyu Railway), began a new field experiment in December 2022 related to the Next-Generation AI Urban Simulator, expanding the target from a limited number of commercial facilities around Odakyu Ebina Station to cover the entire area around the Station.

“Next-Generation AI Urban Simulator” is one of the research themes promoted by the Institute for AI and Beyond under collaborative initiatives by the University of Tokyo and SoftBank, which have conducted the said research and development since April 2021, in collaboration with Odakyu Railway.

The field experiment aims to revitalize the livelihood and economy of the entire city by attracting more participants to local events, promoting purchasing activities, as well as improving efficiency of store operations based on the data acquired by “Next Generation AI Urban Simulator”. Furthermore, it is expected to solve urban issues such as reducing food loss and saving energy etc., to realize a sustainable urban environment.

Please see the following full press release (in Japanese only) (PDF).

<Related Links> ※ available in Japanese only
・Press Release at UTokyo Focus
・Press Release at SoftBank HP
・Press Release at Odakyu Railway HP

プレスリリース:医用画像分野におけるAI開発・活用の推進に向けて、医用画像通信技術研究組合を設立 Press Release: A collaborative innovation partnership (CIP) was established on 20th May 2022 aiming to promote AI development and utilization in the medical imaging field


医用画像通信技術研究組合は、経済産業省などが大学や企業などによる研究成果を迅速に事業化するために策定したCIP(技術研究組合)制度(Collaborative Innovation Partnership制度)を活用した共同研究組織で、東京大学やソフトバンクなどが設立したAI研究機関である「Beyond AI 研究推進機構」における取り組みの一環として研究開発を行います。




A CIP in the field of medical imaging was established on 20th May as a joint initiative of the University of Tokyo, SoftBank Corp., Yahoo Japan Corporation and Cryptact Ltd.

The CIP will promote research and development related to AI in the medical imaging field as part of the efforts undertaken by the Institute for AI and Beyond, a research institution established by the University of Tokyo and SoftBank.

The full press release (in Japanese only) is available here.

田中謙司准教授の取り組みがWEBメディア「DG Lab Haus」で紹介されました Professor Kenji Tanaka's research activities were featured in the web media "DG Lab Haus".

Beyond AI 研究推進機構応用研究(ハイサイクル研究)「次世代AI都市シミュレーター」研究プロジェクトの田中謙司准教授の取り組みが最先端テクノロジーに関する情報発信メディア「DG Lab Haus」に掲載されました。記事内では田中准教授とソフトバンク株式会社松田慎一テクノロジーユニット技術戦略統括 AI戦略室長、AI戦略室企画室 國枝良 室長が研究の取り組みについてご紹介しております。

・タイトル: 仮想空間に「もうひとつの海老名の街」~Beyond AI 研究推進機構が進める『次世代AI都市シミュレーター』
・掲載メディア: DG Lab Haus

Associate Professor Kenji Tanaka's research development of a "Urban Simulator for the next generation utilizing AI digital technology" from the Institute for AI and Beyond's Applied Research (High-cycle Research) has been featured on DG Lab Haus, a media outlet that provides information on cutting-edge technologies. This article features interviews with Associate Professor Tanaka, Mr. Shinichi Matsuda, Senior Director, AI Strategy Office Technology Unit, SoftBank Corp., and Ryo Kunieda, Manager, AI Strategy Office.

Title: "Another Ebina City" in Virtual Space - Institute for AI and Beyond's "Urban Simulator for the next generation utilizing AI digital technology"
Media: DG Lab Haus
Article URL:

プレスリリース:デジタルツインを活用した『次世代AI都市シミュレーター』の研究開発を開始 Press Release: Starts the research development of “Urban Simulator for the next generation utilizing AI digital technology” making use of Digital Twin.

国立大学法人東京大学、ソフトバンク株式会社、小田急電鉄株式会社および株式会社グリッドの4者は、Beyond AI 研究推進機構の研究テーマの一つとして、小田急線海老名駅と周辺施設を対象に、来訪者の行動変容を促す人流誘導アルゴリズムを実装する『次世代AI都市シミュレーター』の研究開発において連携し、研究を開始します。


The University of Tokyo, Softbank Corp., Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. and GRID Corp. will collaborate on the research development of a "Urban Simulator for the next generation utilizing AI digital technology" implementing Algorithm for People-Flow Naviation that encourages visitors to change their behavior in Ebina Station and area facilities on the Odakyu Line as one of the research themes in the Institute of AI and Beyond.

PDF(Japanese Only)