[開催案内] B’AI Global Forum講演会「AI時代における言語教育」 [Event Information] B'AI Global Forum Lecture "Language Education in the AI Era"
東京大学Beyond AI研究推進機構 B’AI Global Forumは、B'AI Global Forum講演会「AI時代における言語教育」を、2024年1月15日に開催いたします。
・主催:東京大学Beyond AI研究推進機構 B’AI Global Forum
・後援:東京大学Beyond AI研究推進機構
・形式:対面(※先着25名)およびZoom Webinarによるハイブリッド開催
東京大学 B’AI Global Forum事務局
B’AI Global Forum, Institute for AI and Beyond will hold a B'AI Global Forum Lecture "Language Education in the AI Era" on January 15, 2024.
・Date(s): January 15, 2024 (Mon), 3:30~5:00 pm (JST)
・Venue: On-site (up to 25 participants) & Zoom Webinar
・On-site:Room 327, Faculty of Science Bldg.3 (The University of Tokyo, Asano Campus)
・Registration Pre-registration required.
For on-site participation, please register below by 9 January (Tue); to participate via Zoom please register below by 13 January (Sat).
・Please register the application form below.
・Language: Japanese
・Organizer: B’AI Global Forum, Institute for AI and Beyond, The University of Tokyo
・Supported by The Institute for AI and Beyond, The University of Tokyo
・辻晶(東京大学ニューロインテリジェンス国際研究機構 講師)
・伊藤たかね(東京大学副学長;大学院情報学環 特任教授)
・板津木綿子(東京大学大学院情報学環 教授)
■ 開会挨拶
■ 講演
生成系AIは大学の語学教育にどのような影響を及ぼすのでしょうか。ここではとくに英語教育に焦点をあてます。はたして大学の英語教育は現状のまま続けることは出来るのでしょうか。英語力の評価の方法は今まで通りで良いのでしょうか。ChatGPTやDuolingo/Duolingo English Test (DET)の時代における大学の英語教育のあり方について、議論を深めたいと思います。
辻 晶「言語発達から見た言語教育と生成AIの関係」
はじめに、なぜ大人は子供より外国語習得が不得意なのかを論じます。それを踏まえて、子供が日常生活のなかで経験する自然な学習と、大人がおこなう学問的な学習の違いについて考えていきます。生成A Iによって、より多くの大人により自然な学習方法を提供することは可能でしょうか。
■ 質疑応答&ディスカッション
■ 閉会挨拶
In this lecture, Professor Yujin Yaguchi, who has been teaching English at the University of Tokyo for a long time and conducted a field study at Duolingo, will discuss the approach to university English education based on advanced initiatives in AI-driven English education, including Duolingo. Following his lecture, Dr. Sho Tsuji, who investigates language development in infants and young children through a neuroscientific approach, and Professor Takane Ito, a linguist with extensive experience in English education at the university level, will provide comments from different perspectives and engage in discussions with the audience.
・Yujin Yaguchi (Vice President; Director, Center for Global Education, The University of Tokyo)
・Sho Tsuji (Lecturer, International Research Center for Neurointelligence, The University of Tokyo)
・Takane Ito (Vice President; Project Professor, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo)
・Yuko Itatsu (Professor, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo)
■ Opening Remarks
・Kaori Hayashi (Executive Vice President; Professor, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo)
■ Lectures
Yujin Yaguchi “University Language Education and Generative AI”
How does generative AI impact university language education? In this lecture, we specifically focus on English language education. Can university English education continue as it is now? Is the current method of evaluating English proficiency still effective? The lecture aims to delve into the approach to university English education in the era of ChatGPT and Duolingo/the Duolingo English Test (DET).
Sho Tsuji “Relationship Between Language Education and Generative AI from the Perspective of Language Development”
Is it possible to leverage generative AI in university language education?
Firstly, we will discuss why adults find it challenging to acquire foreign languages compared to children. Based on this, we will explore the differences between the natural learning that children experience in their daily lives and the scholarly learning undertaken by adults. The lecture aims to explore the possibility of generative AI offering a more natural learning approach to a larger adult population.
Takane Ito “The Significance of Engaging with ‘Different Knowledge Systems’”
The impact of AI on university language education can be broadly categorized into (1) the argument for the dispensability of foreign language education due to the development of automatic translation and (2) the specific methods of AI utilization in language education (and their feasibility). In this lecture, we aim to view foreign language education as an opportunity to contextualize the system of the native language, which is an "absolute" presence for children raised in a monolingual environment, to cast doubt on the discourse of (1) and explore its implications for the methods of (2).
■ Q&A/Discussions
■ Closing Remarks
Takane Ito