[募集][学内限定] 東京大学グローバル・インターンシップ・プログラム(UGIP)
2023年度 ソフトバンク企画「教育の在り方をアップデート!ChatGPT活用アイデアソン」のご案内
[For UTokyo Students only] Call for participants for the UGIP 2023 Pre-event planned by SoftBank

東京大学グローバル・インターンシップ・プログラム(UGIP)では、2023年度もBeyond AI連携事業の一環として、ソフトバンク(株)を受入先企業とする次世代グローバル人材育成を目的とした教育プログラムを冬季に実施予定です。まずはプレイベントとして、国内での学習機会を提供する「アイデアソン・イベント」を、8月7日(月)及び8月10日(木)に開催いたします。
■応募締切: 8月2日(水)23:59 (JST)
This is an invitation for students at the University of Tokyo to participate in the University of Tokyo Global Internship Program (UGIP) 2023 organized by SoftBank Corp., as part of the Beyond AI collaborative initiatives aiming to train the next generation of AI talents who can work globally, by giving them the opportunity to intern at SoftBank Corp. and its affiliated companies.
Prior to the launch of the new UGIP 2023 educational program this coming winter, students of the University of Tokyo are welcome to participate in a pre-event titled “Idea-thon” on the 7th and 10th of August designed to provide educational opportunities in Japan.
We look forward to receiving your registration.
2023 Pre-event
“Update your education! ChatGPT utilization idea-thon”
- Come up with service ideas that maximize the performance of ChatGPT and move people's hearts!
■Date & Time:Aug. 7 (Mon.) 13:00~18:00 & Aug. 10 (Thu.) 13:00~18:00
■Venue:SoftBank Takeshiba Office & Online (by Zoom)
■Target:Undergraduate and graduate students (excluding students in doctoral programs) of the University of Tokyo
■Application deadline :August 2 (Wed.) 23:59 (Japan Standard Time)
For details of the event, please refer to the following URL (Japanese only):
The UGIP is a program that allows students of the University of Tokyo to experience the front line of business at host companies as an intern. This contributes to the globalization of the University of Tokyo by developing global human resources who can play an active role in the world.
For details about UGIP (Japanese only):