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特別ゲストセミナー「Making the Invisible Visible: Towards High-Quality Physics-Guided THz Computational Imaging」 Special Guest Seminar "Making the Invisible Visible: Towards High-Quality Physics-Guided THz Computational Imaging"

2023年1月18日 中長期研究 原田達也教授の研究グループとBeyond AI 研究推進機構の共催による特別ゲストセミナー「Making the Invisible Visible: Towards High-Quality Physics-Guided THz Computational Imaging」を開催いたしました。スピーカー:Lin Chia-Wen 国立清華大学 教授

Special Guest Seminar was held on January 18, 2023 co-organized by Professor Tatsuya Harada's Research Group (Research Theme: Automatic Learning of High Accurate Prediction Models from Limited Supervised Data) and the Institute for AI and Beyond
Title: Making the Invisible Visible: Towards High-Quality Physics-Guided THz Computational Imaging
Speaker: Lin Chia-Wen/ Professor / National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

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