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【プレスリリース】脳自身が生み出す活動と外界からの入力による活動を大脳神経回路が分離する新しいメカニズムを解明 [Press Release] Elucidating the Mechanism by which Neural Circuits in the Cerebral Cortex Separate Spontaneous Brain Activity from Sensory-Evoked Activity

東京大学大学院医学系研究科の大木研一教授(兼:東京大学国際高等研究所ニューロインテリジェンス国際研究機構(WPI-IRCN)副機構長、兼:Beyond AI 研究推進機構 教授)、同志社大学大学院脳科学研究科の松井鉄平教授(研究当時:東京大学大学院医学系研究科講師)、東京大学大学院医学系研究科の橋本昂之助教、村上知成助教、関西医科大学医学部の上村允人助教(研究当時:東京大学大学院医学系研究科特任助教)らの研究グループは、大脳視覚野が視覚情報と自発活動を分離する新しいメカニズムを発見しました。


本研究は、東京大学・ソフトバンクBeyond AI連携事業、東京大学ニューロインテリジェンス国際研究機構(WPI-IRCN)、日本医療研究開発機構(AMED)、科学技術振興機構(JST)による戦略的創造研究推進事業(CREST)、日本学術振興会(JSPS)による科学研究費助成事業などによる支援を受けて行われました。

本研究成果は、2024 年 12 月 4 日(英国時間)に英国科学誌「Nature Communications」のオンライン版に掲載されました。


・nature com.

・東京大学ホームページ(UTokyo Focus)

A research group consisting of Professor Kenichi Ohki (affiliated with Institute for AI and Beyond (Beyond AI), Graduate School of Medicine, and International Research Center for Neurointelligence (WPI-IRCN), The University of Tokyo), Professor Teppei Matsui (Graduate School of Brain Science, Doshisha University (at the time of this research: Lecturer, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo)), Assistant Professor Takayuki Hashimoto, and Assistant Professor Tomonari Murakami (Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo), and Assistant Professor Masato Uemura (Faculty of Medicine, Kansai Medical University (at the time of this research: Project Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)) have discovered a new mechanism by which the cerebral visual cortex separates visual information from spontaneous activity.

It is known that the brains of organisms, including humans, exhibit spontaneous activity generated by the brain itself even in the absence of sensory input (e.g., during rest). Spontaneous activity has been observed in various animals and is considered one of the most characteristic features of the biological brain. If spontaneous activity cannot be distinguished from activity in response to sensory input, it could lead to incorrect perceptions or hallucinations. However, in reality, the brain of living organisms can accurately process sensory information. The mechanism behind this has remained largely unexplained. Particularly, it was unclear how spontaneous activity is processed in the visual cortex of mammals, which forms a hierarchical network of multiple areas. Therefore, this study used marmosets, small primates with a visual system closer to that of humans and capable of advanced neural activity measurements, to analyze in detail the relationship between spontaneous activity and visual responses in multiple visual-related areas of the cerebral cortex. The research group discovered that within the hierarchical network of the cerebral visual cortex, the patterns of spontaneous activity and visual responses are similar in lower hierarchical levels, but gradually separate as one moves from lower to higher hierarchical levels. This gradual separation along the hierarchy suggests that the hierarchical nature of the network plays an important role in the separation of spontaneous activity and visual responses. This study not only proposes a new information processing mechanism of the cerebral cortex but also has the potential to contribute to the development of artificial intelligence that incorporates the advantages of the biological brain.

This research was supported by the Beyond AI Joint Project which is a collaborative initiative launched by the University of Tokyo and SoftBank, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JSPS).

The findings of this research was published in the British scientific journal "Nature Communications" on December 4 2024 (UK time).

・The full press release (in Japanese only) in PDF.

・nature com.

・UTokyo Focus

[募集] [学内限定] ソフトバンクと東京大学の協創(Beyond AI 連携事業)において NVIDIA DGX SuperPODを活用して課題解決に挑戦する研究グループを募集 [Call for Proposals][for UTokyo teaching staff Only] Call for Research Groups to Solve Challenges Using NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD in the joint project between SoftBank and the University of Tokyo (Beyond AI Joint Project)


ソフトバンクとのBeyond AI 連携事業では、研究成果の社会実装・事業化を目的としたエコシステムの形成を目指しています。

今般、Beyond AI 研究推進機構では、生成AIに関連するテーマの産業化促進のため、ソフトバンク株式会社が抱える課題を解決したり、新たな研究アイディアを提案したりする研究グループ(一人でも可、学生のみは不可)を募集いたします。研究を行うにあたり、ソフトバンク株式会社からは以下が無償で提供されます。

1.大規模AIコンピューティング「NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD」(無償)

以上に加えて、Beyond AI 連携事業のプレハイサイクル研究の枠組みで研究予算が提供されます。

■ 公募概要(プレハイサイクル研究)


宛先:bai.kenkyushien.adm[at] [at]を@に変えてください。
(Beyond AI 研究推進機構 研究支援担当)


To the University of Tokyo faculty,

Beyond AI Joint Project with SoftBank aims to build an ecosystem for the social implementation and commercialization of research results through the Institute for AI and Beyond.
Currently, the Institute promotes mid-to-long-term (basic research) and “high-cycle” research (applied research). In high-cycle research, we aim to achieve social implementation and commercialization through the establishment of collaborative innovation partnerships (CIP) and eventually the establishment of companies, contributing to the further development of AI research in Japan and the realization of a better society.

The Institute for AI and Beyond has decided to call for proposals from research groups (individuals are also acceptable, but not students only) to solve issues faced by SoftBank or propose new research ideas to promote the industrialization of themes related to generative AI.
The following will be provided free of charge by SoftBank for conducting research:

1. Large-scale AI computing "NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD" (free of charge)
2. Support for building the necessary environment to utilize the above SuperPOD (free of charge)
3. Creation of AI learning data necessary for research (free of charge only if requested to be created by Softbank)

In addition, research budgets will be provided within the framework of pre-high-cycle research in Beyond AI Joint Project with SoftBank.

Overview of the Call for Proposals (Pre-High-Cycle Research)
■ Research Period: In principle, within one year (if crossing fiscal years, settlement is done annually)
■ Research Budget (excluding the above free provisions): Direct costs up to 10 million yen per project
■ Number of Projects to be Promoted: Approximately 6 projects
■ Eligibility: Faculty members (including project faculty members) and researchers (such as project researchers) with an employment relationship with the University of Tokyo
■ Application Deadline: By 18:00 on Monday, January 20, 2025 (JST)
■ Others: Decision on acceptance or rejection will be made after interview by the institute and consultation with the SoftBank researchers.
Themes other than those being recruited are also accepted, but themes that cannot create synergy with SoftBank may not be adopted.

※ Please be sure to check the following PDF (jn Japanese) for details (including how to apply).

Please send any queries you may have regarding the invitation for proposals to the following address:
Please change [at] to @
(Research Support Team at the Institute for AI and Beyond)


【プレスリリース】磁石に隠されていた振動の情報を取り出すことに成功 ――磁気情報デバイス開発に道―― [Press Release] Extracting the hidden coherence within magnets - New possibilities of the development of magnetic information devices.

東京大学大学院工学系研究科の巻内崇彦特任助教、日置友智助教、清水祐樹大学院生、星幸治郎特任研究員、齊藤英治教授(東北大学材料科学高等研究所(WPI-AIMR) 主任研究者、東京大学Beyond AI 研究推進機構 教授を兼務) らを中心とする研究グループは、東北大学材料科学高等研究所(WPI-AIMR)のMehrdad Elyasi助教、Gerrit Ernst-Wilhelm Bauer主任研究者 らと共同で、従来、磁石の中で短い時間しか存在できないと考えられていた磁気振動の情報(コヒーレンス) が桁違いに長い時間隠れて存在できる機構を発見し、それを取り出せることを明らかにしました。


本研究は、東京大学・ソフトバンクBeyond AI連携事業、科学技術振興機構(JST)戦略的創造研究推進事業CREST、戦略的創造研究推進事業ERATO、日本学術振興会(JSPS)科学研究費助成事業、などによる支援を受けて行われました。

本研究成果は、英国科学雑誌「Nature Materials」に2024 年2 月6 日(英国時間)に掲載されました。


・nature com.

・東京大学ホームページ(UTokyo Focus)

A research group consisting of Associate Professor Takahiko Makiuchi, Assistant Professors Tomosato Hioki and Yuki Shimizu, Graduate Student Koujiro Hoshi, and Professor Eiji Saitoh (also affiliated with IMR (Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University), as Chief Researcher, and concurrently serving as Professor at the Institute for AI and Beyond, The University of Tokyo, collaborated with Mehrdad Elyasi, Assistant Professor at IMR (Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University) (WPI-AIMR), and Gerrit Ernst-Wilhelm Bauer, Chief Researcher, to discover a mechanism that allows for persistent magnetic coherence in magnets, which was conventionally believed to last only for a short time.

The coherence within magnets has the potential to handle both 0 and 1 information, but maintaining this state for an extended period was considered challenging, limiting its practical applications. However, by successfully extracting the hidden coherence within magnets in this study, new possibilities have opened up for the development of magnetic information devices.

This research was supported by the Beyond AI Joint Project which is a collaborative initiative launched by the University of Tokyo and SoftBank, CREST-JST, ERATO-JST and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JSPS).

The findings of this research was published in the British scientific journal "Nature Materials" on February 6, 2024 (UK time).

・The full press release (in Japanese only) in PDF.

・nature com.

・UTokyo Focus



東京大学 Beyond AI研究推進機構※が参画した、2024年1月の世界経済フォーラム(以下、WEF)年次総会(ダボス会議)にあわせて開設された「AI House Davos(」について、開催結果を公表いたします。

※1 研究成果の社会実装・事業化を目的としたエコシステムの形成を目指す東京大学とソフトバンクによるBeyond AI連携事業による研究拠点。


The UTokyo Institute for AI and Beyond※ announced the results of 'AI House Davos'( held in conjunction with the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting in January 2024.
The event aimed to promote discussions and advancements in the field of artificial intelligence during the WEF Annual Meeting (Davos Conference).

※ The Beyond AI Joint Project is a collaborative initiative launched by The University of Tokyo and SoftBank, with the aim of developing an ecosystem for social implementation and business deployment of research outcomes generated from the “Institute for AI and Beyond”.



2024年1月の世界経済フォーラム(以下、WEF)年次総会(ダボス会議)にあわせて、「AI House Davos(」が開設され、東京大学 Beyond AI研究推進機構※1は、Initiatorとして参画します。

【東京大学 Beyond AI研究推進機構によるセッション】  
東京大学 Beyond AI研究推進機構は、AI House Davos(以下、AI House)で下記のセッションを共催します。AIとガバナンス、AIと高等教育をテーマに、有識者、世界の有力大学の学長を招いてパネルディスカッションを実施します。

① AI Governance and Safety - G7 Hiroshima AI Process 
日 時: 2024年1月16日(火)14:00 – 14:40 (CET)
会 場: Valley Stage, AI House Davos, Promenade 68, 7270 Davos Platz
形 式: パネルディスカッション
江間 有沙 (東京大学 東京カレッジ 准教授)
山崎 知巳 (東京大学 Beyond AI 研究推進機構 副機構長)
Amandeep Gill(Under-Secretary-General, Tech Envoy - United Nations)
Christoph Winterhalter(Vice President - International Organization for Standardization)
飯田 陽一 (総務省 情報通信戦略特別交渉官)
江間 有紗 (東京大学 東京カレッジ 准教授) 【モデレーター】 

② AI and Higher Education
日 時: 2024年1月17日(水)10:00 – 10:55 (CET)
会 場: Valley Stage, AI House Davos, Promenade 68, 7270 Davos Platz
形 式: パネルディスカッション
Phil Baty, Chief Global Affairs Officer, Times Higher Education
山崎 知巳 (東京大学 Beyond AI 研究推進機構 副機構長)
Eng Chye Tan(President - National University of Singapore)
Irene Tracey(Vice-Chancellor - University of Oxford)
Paul Alivisatos(President, The University of Chicago)
伊藤 公平(慶應義塾大学 塾長)
藤井 輝夫(東京大学 総長)【モデレーター】
概 要: 有力大学の学長をパネリストにむかえ、生成AIがもたらす課題に取り組み、その活用を促進することによる高等教育の発展、及び、生成AIが人間の知能の様々な側面を代替していく中で、高等教育、特に大学教育はどのように進化していくべきかをテーマとして、パネルディスカッションを実施する。

③ Harmony in Coexistence: Navigating the Future of Human-AI Partnership
日 時: 2024年1月18日(木)18:30 – 19:10 (CET)
会 場: Valley Stage, AI House Davos, Promenade 68, 7270 Davos Platz
形 式: パネルディスカッション
Chris Luebkeman, Head of Strategic Foresight, ETH Zurich
Aurelio Cortese (Head of Dep. of Decoded Neurofeedback, Computational Neuroscience Labs - Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International)
Menna El-Assady(Professor - ETH Zurich)
James Landay(Co-Director - Stanford HAI)

【AI House Davosの概要】  
AI Houseでは、学術界、産業界、政府及びその他の関連するステークホルダーグループの代表者を集めることを目指し、AIの影響に関するグローバルな議論を行うためのプラットフォームを作り、AI HouseをWEF年次総会の際におけるAIの主要な国際会議として位置付けることを目的とし、東京大学 Beyond AI研究推進機構は、Merantix社※2、ETH AIセンター、Swisscom、Hewlett Packard Enterprise, G42※3と共にInitiatorとして、2024年1月15日から19日の5日間、AI Houseに参画します。

期間: 2024年1月15日(月)~19日(金)
Initiator: Merantix社、ETH AI Center、Swisscom、東京大学 Beyond AI研究推進機構、
Hewlett Packard Enterprise, G42
場所: WEF年次総会メイン会場のコングレスセンターから750メートルのPromenadeに開設

※1 研究成果の社会実装・事業化を目的としたエコシステムの形成を目指す東京大学とソフトバンクによるBeyond AI連携事業による研究拠点。


The UTokyo Institute for AI and Beyond※1 intends to support the “AI House Davos” (, launched during the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting 2024, taking place in Davos, Switzerland between 15 and 19 January 2024, as an initiator.

【Sessions by the UTokyo Institute for AI and Beyond】
The UTokyo Institute for AI and Beyond will co-host the following sessions at AI House Davos ("AI House"), inviting experts and presidents of leading universities around the world to participate in panel discussions on the themes of AI and governance and AI and higher education.

① AI Governance and Safety - G7 Hiroshima AI Process
・ Date & Time: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 14:00 - 14:40(CET)
・ Venue: Valley Stage, AI House Davos, Promenade 68, 7270 Davos Platz
・ Format: Interactive Panel Discussion
[Session Coordinators]:
・ Arisa Ema (Associate Professor, Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo)
・ Tomomi Yamazaki (Deputy Director, Institute for AI and Beyond, The University of Tokyo)
・ Amandeep Gill (Under-Secretary-General, Tech Envoy - United Nations)
・ Christoph Winterhalter (Vice President, International Organization for Standardization)
・ Yoichi Iida (Director, Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
・ Arisa Ema 【Moderator】

② AI and Higher Education
・Date and Time: Wednesday, January 17, 2024 10:00 – 10:55(CET)
・Venue: Valley Stage, AI House Davos, Promenade 68, 7270 Davos Platz
・Format: Interactive Panel Discussion
[Session Coordinators]:
・Phil Baty (Chief Global Affairs Officer, Times Higher Education)
・Tomomi Yamazaki (Deputy Director, Institute for AI and Beyond, The University of Tokyo)
・Eng Chye Tan (President, National University of Singapore)
・Irene Tracey (Vice-Chancellor, University of Oxford)
・Paul Alivisatos (President, The University of Chicago)
・Kohei Itoh (President, Keio University)
・Teruo Fujii (President, The University of Tokyo) 【Moderator】
With presidents from leading universities as panelists, this panel has two objectives. One is to advance higher education by addressing the challenges posed by generative AI and promoting its utilization. The other is to contemplate how higher education, especially university education, should evolve as generative AI progressively replaces many aspects of human intelligence.

③ Harmony in Coexistence: Navigating the Future of Human-AI Partnership
・Date and Time: Thursday, January 18, 2024 18:30 – 19:10(CET)
・Venue: Valley Stage, AI House Davos, Promenade 68, 7270 Davos Platz
・Format: Interactive Panel Discussion
[Session Coordinator]:
・Chris Luebkeman (Head of Strategic Foresight, ETH Zurich)
・Aurelio Cortese (Head of Dep. of Decoded Neurofeedback, Computational Neuroscience Labs - Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International)
・Menna El-Assady (Professor, ETH Zurich)
・James Landay (Co-Director, Stanford HAI)

【Overview of the “AI House Davos”】
The AI House will bring together leading representatives from academia, industry, government, and other relevant stakeholder groups. The intention is to create a platform for the global conversation on the impact of AI and make the AI House Davos a premier international conference for AI during the WEF Annual Meeting 2024.
The UTokyo Institute for AI and Beyond, intends to support the AI House as an initiator, with Merantix※2, ETH AI Center, Swisscom, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and G42※3,during 15 - 19 January 2024.

Date: 15 - 19 January 2024
・Initiators: Merantix, ETH AI Center, Swisscom, UTokyo Institute for AI and Beyond, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, G42
・Venue: 750m from the Congress Center on the Promenade

※1 The Beyond AI Joint Project is a collaborative initiative launched by the University of Tokyo and SoftBank, with the aim of developing an ecosystem for social implementation and business deployment of research outcomes generated from the “Institute for AI and Beyond”.

2024年世界経済フォーラム期間中にAIハウス・ダボスを開設へ AI House Davos to launch during World Economic Forum 2024

・ Merantix(メランティックス社)、ETH AIセンター、Swisscom、東京大学 Beyond AI 研究推進機構、ヒューレット・パッカード・エンタープライズ(HPE)が共同して主導する取り組みです。
・ AIが世界経済フォーラム2024の主要テーマとなる可能性が高い中、AIハウス・ダボスは研究者、産業界のリーダー、各国政府関係者、投資家、起業家が一堂に会する場となります。

メランティクス社、ETH AIセンター、Swisscom、東京大学 Beyond AI 研究推進機構、ヒューレット・パッカード・エンタープライズ(HPE)は、本日、世界経済フォーラム(WEF)年次総会(2024年1月15~19日)の期間中にAIハウス・ダボスを開設することを発表しました。スイス外務省が、今年のダボス会議における開催国パートナーです。

AIハウスは、学界関係者、産業界のリーダー、市民社会、政府関係者、投資家、起業家が一堂に会する場として、すべての人々が安全にAI(Artificial Intelligence以下AI)にアクセスし、利用できるようにするための綿密な討議と協力の場を提供します。また、AI ハウスは、責任ある規模の拡大、統合、規制等の人工知能(AI)産業が直面する重要な課題に対処するため、包括的で学際的かつマルチステークホルダー・アプローチを促進するための専用プラットフォームを提供します。

2023年を通じて、AI は、世界的な規模の対話や法制度の中心的な話題となることから、WEF年次総会でも重要な議題となることは間違いありません。AIハウスとそのパートナーは、学界、政府、産業界、金融界、市民社会、起業家の世界から最も関係の深いステークホルダーを結集させ、AIが人類と世界経済にもたらす利益について議論するためのグローバルフォーラムを提供するとともに、責任ある持続可能なイノベーションを促進する契機となります。

AIハウスは、欧州委員会、欧州イノベーション会議、欧州AIフォーラム、Automation Anywhere、EPFL、TÜV AI Labを含む多様なパートナーと共に組織されるマルチステークホルダープラットフォームです。また、Forbes、Handelsblatt、Devexがメディアパートナーとして参加します。

藤井輝夫・東京大学総長(Beyond AI 研究推進機構 founding director)のコメント:
「AIは、教育、科学、産業などを含む人類社会を大きく変革しています。AI研究のさらなる発展と、より良い世界の実現にさらに寄与するため、東京大学とソフトバンクとの連携によって設立した東京大学Beyond AI 研究推進機構は、AI研究を推進し、新たな学術分野やビジネスを開拓するとともに、AIに関連する社会課題の解決に取り組んでいます。AIハウス・ダボスは、G7広島AIプロセスに関連するトピックを含む様々な側面について、複数のステークホルダーと議論するための適したプラットフォームとなるでしょう。」

・AI House Official Website


● Joint initiative by Merantix, ETH AI Center, Swisscom, UTokyo Institute for AI and Beyond, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)
● With AI likely a key theme of WEF ‘24, AI House Davos will bring together academics, industry leaders, government officials, investors, and entrepreneurs

Merantix, ETH AI Center, Swisscom, UTokyo Institute for AI and Beyond,and Hewlett Packard Enterprise today announce the launch of the AI House Davos during the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting, 15th-19th January 2024. The Swiss Foreign Ministry will be the hosting country partner of this year’s edition.
By bringing together academics, industry leaders, civil society, government officials, investors, and entrepreneurs, the AI House will facilitate in-depth discussions and collaborative efforts to ensure that the requisite safeguarding of AI is made accessible and prioritized by all. The AI House will provide a dedicated platform to foster an inclusive multidisciplinary and multi-stakeholder approach to addressing critical challenges facing the Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry, including responsible scaling, integration, and regulation.
As the key topic of global conversation, debate, and legislation throughout 2023, AI will certainly be a key topic of discussion during the WEF Annual Meeting. The AI House and its partners will attract the most relevant stakeholders from academia, government, industry, finance, civil society and the entrepreneurial world to provide a global forum to discuss the benefits AI can bring to humankind and world economies, and to provide a catalyst for responsible and sustainable innovation.
The AI House is a global, multi-stakeholder platform, with partners and subsidiary sponsors including European Commission, European Innovation Council, European AI Forum, Automation Anywhere, EPFL, TÜV AI Lab, and more. Forbes, Handelsblatt, and Devex will join as media partners.

Teruo Fujii, President of The University of Tokyo (Founding Director, Institute for AI and Beyond), comments: “AI is transforming human society, including education, science, and industry. To further contribute to the development of AI research and the realization of a better world, the Institute for AI and Beyond, a collaborative initiative launched by the University of Tokyo and SoftBank, is advancing AI research and pioneering new sciences and businesses while solving AI-related social problems. The Davos AI House will be the suitable platform for us to have discussions with multiple stakeholders on different aspects including the topics related to the G7 Hiroshima AI process.”

・AI House Official Website

・For more detail, please refer to the URL below.

【プレスリリース】脳のゆらぎを取り入れてAIを安全にする ――深層ニューラルネットワークの隠れ層にゆらぎを導入し脆弱性を軽減―― [Press Release] Making AI secure by introducing random noise that mimics brain neurons ――Reduces its vulnerability against some adversarial examples by injecting random noise in the hidden layers of deep neural networks――

東京大学大学院医学系研究科 機能生物学専攻 統合生理学分野の大木研一教授と浮田純平大学院生(研究当時)の研究チームは、深層ニューラルネットワークに脳の神経細胞を模したゆらぎを導入することで、深層ニューラルネットワークが持つ脆弱性の一部が軽減できることを明らかにしました。


本研究は、Beyond AI 研究推進機構、日本医療研究開発機構(AMED)「革新的技術による脳機能ネットワークの全容解明プロジェクト」、文部科学省科学研究費助成事業、CREST-JSTなどの支援を受けて行われました。

本研究の成果はNeural Networks誌(9月16日オンライン版)に掲載されました。


・掲載論文 (Title: Adversarial attacks and defenses using feature-space stochasticity)
DOI 10.1016/j.neunet.2023.08.022

・東京大学ホームページ(UTokyo Focus)

A research team consisting of Professor Kenichi OHKI and Jumpei UKITA (a graduate student at the time of the research) of the Department of Physiology, Division of Functional Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, revealed that some of the vulnerabilities in deep neural networks can be mitigated by injecting random noise that mimics the brain in deep neural networks.

Currently, artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving at an accelerating pace, and its underlying structure is based on deep neural networks. Deep neural networks are known to be tricked into producing outputs that are clearly different from that of humans by malicious attacks, known as adversarial attacks. For example, image recognition AI in self-driving cars must correctly recognize a "stop" road sign as "stop" to make the car stop. However, the image recognition AI may not be able to correctly recognize a "stop" road sign generated by a hostile attack, even if it is clearly a "stop" sign when seen by a human. As a result, the car may not be able to stop, leading to a traffic accident. Thus, vulnerability to hostile attacks is one of the major challenges of implementing AI in society.

Incorporating brain properties of animals, such as humans, into AI may help overcome such vulnerabilities. The research team discovered that certain types of vulnerability can be reduced by introducing noise that mimics the randomness of neurons in the brain into deep neural networks. By using this method, the possibility of creating AI that more closely resembles the behavior of humans and other animals is thought to be greater.

This research was supported by the Institute for AI and Beyond of the University of Tokyo, the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) "Project to Elucidate the Entire Functional Brain Network through Innovative Technology", the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and CREST-JST.
The research result was published in Neural Networks on 16 September 2023 online.

Professor Ohki is the Project Leader for the Basic Research Project entitled “Development of next generation AI by modeling brain information” at the Institute for AI and Beyond.

・The full press release (in Japanese only) in PDF.

・Published paper (Title: Adversarial attacks and defenses using feature-space stochasticity)
DOI 10.1016/j.neunet.2023.08.022

・Article in English at UTokyo Focus

【プレスリリース】 自閉スペクトラム症の知覚を体験することで ネガティブな感情が改善される [Press Release] Reduce the stigma of autism spectrum disorders by incorporating the experience of simulated autistic perception

元中長期研究「AI×発達障害当事者研究:計算論的神経科学による認知個性の顕在化」(AIと社会)のリーダーで、現在はBeyond AI 研究推進機構のアラムナイ委員である長井志江特任教授(東京大学国際高等研究所ニューロインテリジェンス国際研究機構(IRCN))が主任研究者として研究に関わる自閉スペクトラム症(ASD)知覚体験シミュレータを使った同症に関する新たな知見について、8月3日に記者発表が出されました。


自閉スペクトラム症(ASD)知覚体験シミュレータについては、長井先生が昨年10月に出演した「第8回 Beyond AI サイエンスカフェ」動画の中でも紹介されています。

A press release was issued on August 3, 2023 regarding new findings on a study on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) using the ASD perceptual experience simulator, in which Project Professor Yukie Nagai of the International Research Center for Neurointelligence (IRCN) at the University of Tokyo was involved as the principle investigator.

Professor Nagai was the former leader of the Mid- and Long-term Research Project “AI x Tojisha-Kenkyu: Computational Neuroscience for Systematic Understanding of Cognitive Individuality” and current Alumni committee member of the Institute for AI and Beyond.

Full press release at the IRCN official website:

Professor Nagai presented the ASD perception experience simulator in the 8th Beyond AI Science Café video, in which she was featured last year.
The video, which is available in Japanese at the Institute for AI and Beyond YouTube Channel as linked below;

[受賞] 伊藤信貴特任講師と杉山将教授との論文が、ICASSP2023においてベストペーパーアワードを受賞 [Award] Dr. Nobutaka ITO (Project Lecturer) and Professor Masashi SUGIYAMA won the Best Paper Award at ICASSP 2023

大学院新領域創成科学研究科の伊藤信貴特任講師と杉山将教授の論文「Audio Signal Enhancement with Learning from Positive and Unlabeled Data」が、2023年6月4日-10日にギリシャで開催されたICASSP 2023(2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing)において、6127編の投稿論文(内、2765編が採録)の中からベストペーパーアワードに選出されました。
6月9日、現地ギリシャのロードス島にて開かれた授賞式に参加した伊藤特任講師が、組織委員会Petros Maragosゼネラルチェアらから賞状を授与されました。

杉山教授と伊藤特任講師は、Beyond AI 研究推進機構の基礎研究プロジェクト「限られた教師情報からの高精度な予測モデルの自動構築に関する研究(研究リーダー:原田達也教授)」において、それぞれサブリーダー、研究担当者を務めています。

A scientific paper entitled “Audio Signal Enhancement with Learning from Positive and Unlabeled Data” written by Dr. Nobutaka ITO and Professor Masashi SUGIYAMA of the Graduate School of Frontier Science at the University of Tokyo was selected for the “Best Paper Award” at 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2023), one of the largest and most influential research conferences of the Signal Processing Society in the world. The paper was selected from 6127 submitted papers, of which 2765 were accepted for publication in the conference proceedings.

Dr. Ito who participated in-person in the conference, received the award at the awards ceremony held on Friday, June 9, in Rhodes, Greece from the organizing committee, represented by General Chair Dr. Petros Maragos.

Professor Sugiyama and Dr. Ito are respectively, the project sub-leader and associate researcher of the Basic research project (Advancement of Fundamental AI) titled “Automatic Learning of High Accurate Prediction Models from Limited Supervised Data” led by Professor Tatsuya HARADA (Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo) in the Institute for AI and Beyond.

<授賞式にて組織委員会のPetros Maragosゼネラルチェアらから祝福される伊藤特任講師>

Dr. Ito receiving the honorable certificate from Petros Maragos General Chair

・ICASSP2023 オフィシャルサイト

齊藤英治先生の研究グループからコラムがアップされました Professor Eiji Saitoh, leader of the Mid- and Long-term research project has posted a column regarding his research at the Institute for AI and Beyond

中長期研究プロジェクト「AIを活用した物質の量子的性質の解読 (Quantum ID – 物質の
「量子指紋」をAIで読み取り利用する - )」の齊藤英治リーダー(大学院工学系研究科 教授)が
自身のHPにBeyond AI 研究推進機構での研究に関するコラムをアップしました。

タイトル: 機械学習を用いた新たな挑戦:AIと物理は相性が良い?(by 皆川麻利江/研究協力者)


Professor Eiji Saitoh of the Graduate School of Engineering, leader of the Mid- and Long-term research project "Analysis of materials’ quantum properties using AI (Quantum ID: Exploiting “Quantum Fingerprintings” of materials with AI)", has posted a column on his website regarding his research at the Institute for AI and Beyond.
The column is titled “New Challenges with Machine Learning - Are AI and Physics a Good Match?” and written by Marie Minagawa, his research collaborator.

・Link to the column (available in Japanese only):
・Prof. Saitoh’s Research Project page: