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[受賞] 中長期研究グループの齊藤英治教授が仁科記念賞を受賞 [Award] Professor Eiji Saitoh of the Mid- and Long-term Research Group awarded the Nishina Memorial Prize for 2022

11月10日、齊藤英治教授(東京大学 大学院工学系研究科)が、「スピン流物理学の開拓」の功績により、2022年度仁科記念賞の受賞者に決まったことが発表された。授賞式は、12 月 6 日(仁科芳雄博士のお誕生日)に執り行われる。



齊藤教授は、中長期研究(物理とAIの融合)「AIを活用した物質の量子的性質の解読 (Quantum ID -物質の「量子指紋」をAIで読み取り利用する-)」プロジェクトにおいて研究リーダーを務めている。

It was announced on November 10, 2022, that Professor Eiji SAITOH of the Graduate School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo, was selected as the awardee of the Nishina Memorial Prize for 2022 for his achievements on “Pioneering contribution to the physics of spin current”. The award ceremony will be held on December 6.

The Nishina Memorial Prize has been awarded to physicists for their outstanding achievements in the field of basic and applied physics every year since its establishment in 1955.

Prof. Saitoh gave the following comment on his selection, “This award recognizes the development of basic physics of spin current. In my group, we are currently developing spin current physics further and entering new research areas of quantum device physics and quantum AI. With this award as an encouragement, we will continue to contribute to the further development of science and technology.”

Prof. Saitoh is the project leader of the Basic research project (Integrating Physics and AI) entitled “Analysis of materials’ quantum properties using AI (Quantum ID: Exploiting “Quantum Fingerprintings” of materials with AI)” at the Institute for AI and Beyond.

・齊藤先生、プロジェクトページ AIを活用した物質の量子的性質の解読 (Quantum ID -物質の「量子指紋」をAIで読み取り利用する-)
・齊藤先生 研究室 プロフィールページ

・Nishina Memorial Foundation HP
・Press release announcing the winners (PDF)(Japanese only)
・Prof. Saitoh's Project page
・Saitoh lab. Profile page

米国で開催されたRome Call for AI Ethics: A Global University Summitに板津木綿子教授、矢口祐人教授、久野愛准教授が参加 Professor Yuko Itatsu and her colleagues participated in “Rome Call for AI Ethics: A Global University Summit”

10月26日、27日にノートルダム大学(米インディアナ州)で、Rome Call for AI Ethics: A Global University Summitが開催され、中長期研究プロジェクト、“B’AI Global Forum(ビー・エイアイ グローバル・フォーラム) AI時代における真のジェンダー平等社会の実現とマイノリティの権利保障のための規範・倫理・実践研究”より、研究リーダーの板津木綿子 大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 教授、矢口祐人 同大学院 教授、久野愛 同大学院 准教授が参加した。
初日のセッション3:AI倫理と政策に続くパネルディスカッションでは、矢口教授が登壇。又、ポスターセッションでは板津教授、久野准教授が、B’AI Global Forum および Beyond AI 推進機構の活動についての紹介を行った。

Professor Yuko Itatsu, Professor Yujin Yaguchi, and Associate Professor Ai Hisano participated in the Global University Summit for the Rome Call for AI Ethics held on October 26 and 27, 2022, on the campus of the University of Notre Dame.
Profs. Itatsu, Yaguchi and Hisano belong to the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo and are members of the Mid- and Long-term Research Project " B’AI Global Forum: Research on norms, ethics and praxis for a truly gender equal society and a guarantee of rights for minorities in the AI age ".

The summit featured presentations of the latest research, keynote speeches, panel discussions, and networking events aimed at examining the role of universities through research, education, and policy in developing ethical approaches to artificial intelligence (AI).
Professor Yaguchi was invited to talk at the panel discussion of the Session 3 on the 26th, representing the Institute for AI and Beyond, while Professor Itatsu and Associate Professor Hisano shared a poster presentation highlighting the approaches of both the B’AI Global Forum and the Institute for AI and Beyond.

・Global University Summit for the Rome Call for AI Ethics
・Rome Call for AI Ethics
・B'AI Global Forum HP

<Related Links>
・Global University Summit for the Rome Call for AI Ethics
・Rome Call for AI Ethics
・B'AI Global Forum HP

[受賞]長井志江特任教授が世界のロボティクス分野で著名な女性研究者に与えられる国際的賞WiRESを受賞 [Award] Project Professor Yukie NAGAI awarded the “Women in Robotics Engineering and Science (WiRES)” at IROS 2022

研究リーダーの長井志江特任教授(東京大学 国際高等研究所 ニューロインテリジェンス国際研究機構)が、2022年10月23-27日に京都で開催されたIROS (The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems、2022年大会において、認知発達ロボティクスやロボット学習での貢献が高く評価され、世界のロボティクス分野の著名な女性研究者に与えられる「35 Women in Robotics Engineering and Science (WiRES)」を受賞した。

長井特任教授は、2020年6月にも雑誌Analytics Insightにより世界で最も著名なロボティクス分野の女性50名に選ばれている。


Project Professor Yukie NAGAI of the university’s International Research Center for Neurointelligence (IRCN) was awarded the “Women in Robotics Engineering and Science (WiRES)” at IROS 2022 (The 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems), one of the largest and most influential research conferences in robotics in the world, for her contributions in cognitive developmental robotics and robot learning research. She was invited to give a talk in a special session dedicated to WiRES awardees with four other renowned women researchers on October 25 at IROS.

Professor Nagai has also been named one of the 50 most prominent women in robotics in the world by the journal, Analytics Insight, in June 2020.

Professor Nagai is the project leader of the Basic research project (AI and Society) entitled "AI x Tojisha-Kenkyu: Computational Neuroscience for Systematic Understanding of Cognitive Individuality” at the Institute for AI and Beyond of the University of Tokyo.

IROS 2022にて、35人のWiRES受賞者の一人として紹介される長井教授。

Dr. Nagai becomes one of 35 women to be honored with a 2022 Women in Robotics Engineering and Science Award.

Beyond AI サイエンスカフェが東京大学の「学内広報」で紹介されました The 6th and 7th Beyond AI Science Café introduced in "Daigaku Koho- Campus Magazine”, UTokyo

8月に発行された「学内広報」(NO.1561)の「topics」CLOSE UPにおいて、第6回(池内 与志穂先生)と第7回(村山 斉先生)のBeyond AI サイエンスカフェのYouTube公開が紹介されました。

 東京大学「学内広報」 2022年8月 NO.1561(2021.8.31)

The 6th and 7th Beyond AI Science Café movies uploaded at YouTube was covered as an CLOSE UP article at “topics” page in the "Daigaku Koho- Campus Magazine” (August, 2022, No. 1561), UTokyo.

Japanese Only :
The University of Tokyo "University Press" August 2022, NO.1561 (2022.8.31)
The "Daigaku Koho- Campus Magazine” (August 2022, No. 1561 on August 31, 2022), UTokyo

UTokyo-IIS Seminar in UTokyoNY「Delivering the Vision – Closing the gap between academic research and society」で、池内 与志穂准教授が講演 Associate Professor Yoshiho IKEUCHI gave a lecture from the UTokyo New York Office

6月13日(月)(日本時間14日(火))に、東京大学生産技術研究所主催のUTokyo-IIS Seminar in UTokyoNY 「Delivering the Vision - Closing the gap between academic research and society」が、東京大学ニューヨークオフィス(UTokyoNY)とオンラインのハイブリッド形式で開催され、藤井輝夫 東大総長(オンライン参加)などと共に、池内 与志穂 生産技術研究所 准教授(Beyond AI 研究推進機構 中長期研究プロジェクト:人工脳組織を用いた脳機能解明/研究リーダー)が、東京大学ニューヨークオフィスから講演を行いました。

【報告】UTokyo-IIS Seminar in UTokyoNY

9月1日発行、生産技術研究所の英文冊子 UTokyo-IIS Bulletin Vol.10への掲載:


[訃報] アドバイザリーボード メンバー 古井貞熙氏のご逝去について [In Memoriam] On the passing of a member of our advisory board, Dr. Sadaoki FURUI

国立情報学研究所 研究総主幹、豊田工業大学シカゴ校元学長、同校元理事長、東京工業大学名誉教授・栄誉教授で、2020年より東京大学 Beyond AI 研究推進機構のアドバイザリーボードのメンバーを務められた古井貞熙博士が、2022年(令和4年)7月31日にご逝去されました。

古井博士は、コンピューターによる音声認識研究の先駆者であり、学術のみならず広く社会への貢献により科学技術庁長官賞、文化功労賞、紫綬褒章、IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Awardなどを含む数多くの高名な賞を受賞されました。又、日本音響学会 会長、IEEE 理事、International Speech Communication Association 会長など内外で委員を歴任されるなど、長年に渡り人工知能分野の研究と教育において国際的に活躍されました。


Beyond AI 研究推進機構として古井博士の当機構への多大なご支援に感謝を申し上げます。又、人工知能研究・教育への優れた功績に敬意と感謝の意を表しますとともに、謹んでご冥福をお祈りいたします。

東京大学 Beyond AI 研究推進機構
機構長 萩谷 昌巳

The Institute for AI and Beyond mourns the loss of Dr. Sadaoki FURUI, Professor Emeritus at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Chief Research Director at National Institute of Informatics (NII), former President and Chair of the Board of Trustees of Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC), and a member of the International Advisory Board of the Institute for AI and Beyond since 2020, who passed away on 31 July 2022.

Dr. Furui was a pioneer and a leader in the field of computerized speech recognition and has made a wide range of contributions throughout his distinguished carrier, not only to academic research and education in information technology related to artificial intelligence but also to society at large. As a result, he received numerous awards and honors such as the Science and Technology Agency's Director-General's Award, Cultural Achievement Award, “Medal with Purple Ribbon”, and the IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award to mention a few. He has also shown his dedication to the field by serving on various academic committees and organizations in Japan and abroad including the Acoustical Society of Japan, the IEEE and International Speech Communication Association.

We were extremely grateful for his contribution and generous support to our organization as the institute’s first chair of the International Advisory Board and his effort in the creation of the board itself. With his operational knowledge at an international research university in the US as well as his network of contacts at other top research institutions, research communities and prominent researchers in the field of AI at home and elsewhere, he kept giving sound advice to our management team on the prospects and international strategy of the institute. His timely and thoughtful advices to the researchers of the institute on their research projects have greatly been appreciated, not to mentioned that he was the frequent questioner and a thought-provoking advisor at the research seminars held regularly within the institute.

With the respect and thankfulness for his outstanding accomplishments to artificial intelligence research and education, the Institute for AI and Beyond of the University of Tokyo extends its deepest condolences to his family, his colleagues, and all who cherished their lives by knowing Dr. Furui.

Masami HAGIYA, Ph. D.
Director, Institute for AI and Beyond

【プレスリリース】大脳神経回路形成の新戦略――大脳皮質の多数の領野を結ぶ結合を効率よく作るための並列モジュール戦略を解明 Press Release: New strategy for cerebral neural network formation――Parallel modules strategy which enables the brain to efficiently form numerous interareal connections of the many cortical areas during development.

東京大学 大学院医学系研究科・Beyond AI研究推進機構(研究プロジェクト:脳情報再現による次世代AI開発プロジェクト / 研究リーダー)・国際高等研究所ニューロインテリジェンス国際研究機構 大木 研一教授、同大 大学院医学系研究科・Beyond AI研究推進機構(同プロジェクト / 研究担当者)村上 知成助教らの研究グループは、大脳視覚野にある多数の領野間結合が、発達時に効率的に形成されるメカニズムを解明しました。

ヒトの大脳皮質には 180 にも及ぶ多数の領野が存在し、これらの領野間を結ぶ数千にも及ぶ精密な神経回路による階層的かつ並列的な情報処理は、私たちの脳が複雑かつ汎用的な知性を獲得するための基盤となっています。従来の神経回路発達の研究では、感覚器から大脳皮質の入り口まで(視覚の場合、網膜から一次視覚野まで)の神経回路形成については詳細に調べられてきましたが、大脳皮質の領野間をつなぐ無数の結合がどのようなメカニズムで 3 次元の脳内で精密に混線なく配線されるのかについてはほとんど分かっていませんでした。

そのメカニズムの一つとして領野の階層性に従ってより低次な領野からより高次な領野へと順に形成していけば混線なく配線できると考えられますが、マウスでは生後から開眼までの 2 週間の間に多数の領野間の結合を全て作る必要があり、このメカニズムでは時間がかかり過ぎでした。それでは、このような複雑な無数の領野間結合を短時間に混線なく形成するためのメカニズムは何でしょうか。



本研究成果は、2022 年 8 月 3 日(英国夏時間)に英国科学誌「Nature」のオンライン版に掲載されました。


・東京大学ホームページ(UTokyo Focus)
・アブストラクト(論文タイトル:Modular strategy for the development of hierarchical networks in the mouse visual system )

A research team including Professor Kenichi OHKI of the Institute for AI and Beyond, the Graduate School of Medicine and the International Research Center for Neurointelligence (IRCN) of the University of Tokyo and Assistant Professor Tomonari MURAKAMI also of the Graduate School of Medicine of the University of Tokyo has successfully elucidated a new mechanism of the brain by which a complex neural network, including interareal connections in the cerebral cortex, is efficiently formed during development. This is the first study investigating comprehensively how interareal connections among cortical and thalamic regions are formed during development.
This study is expected to be applied in the future to treatments for diseases such as congenital blindness and to circuit formation algorithms to improve an artificial intelligence.

The research result was published in the online edition of Nature on 3 August 2022 (UK time).

Professor Ohki and Assistant Professor Murakami are Project Leader and Researcher respectively in the Basic Research Project entitled “Development of next generation AI by modeling brain information ” at the Institute for AI and Beyond.

The full press release (in Japanese only) in PDF.

Related link: UTokyo HP

Abstract URL (Title: Modular strategy for the development of hierarchical networks in the mouse visual system)

板津木綿子教授の取材記事が日経電子版に掲載 Article covering Professor Yuko ITATSU's research was published online at

8月1日、サブリーダーの板津木綿子教授(東京大学 大学院情報学環・学際情報学府)を取材した「ジェンダード・イノベーション」に関する記事が、日経電子版に掲載されました。

記事タイトル: 性差分析で技術革新 医療やAI、「男性基準」を是正



板津教授は、中長期研究プロジェクト B’AI Global Forum(ビー・エイアイ グローバル・フォーラム) AI時代における真のジェンダー平等社会の実現とマイノリティの権利保障のための規範・倫理・実践研究(プロジェクトリーダー:林香里教授)においてサブリーダーを務めています。

The article about "Gendered Innovations" covering Professor Yuko ITATSU's research was published at nikkei online on August 1, 2022.

The URL of the article:

The article is available in Japanese only.
Registration is necessary to read the full article online.

Professor Itatsu is the sub-leader of the basic research project "B’AI Global Forum: Research on norms, ethics and praxis for a truly gender equal society and a guarantee of rights for minorities in the AI age (Project leader: Professor Kaori HAYASHI)

[プレスリリース] AIとスーパーコンピュータで広大な銀河地図を解読 – 宇宙の成り立ちを決める物理量を精密に測定 [Press Release] Extensive training on virtual universes from supercomputer simulations produces AI-assisted analysis of three-dimensional galaxy distribution in our Universe

東京大学 国際高等研究所カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構(Kavli IPMU)/ Beyond AI 研究推進機構の高田昌広 教授(研究プロジェクト:量子ゆらぎから天の川銀河の形成史の解明を通じたAIの進展 / 研究リーダー 村山 斉教授)、アリゾナ大学 天文学科 小林洋祐 博士研究員ら共同研究チームは、国立天文台のスーパーコンピュータ「アテルイII」の数値シミュレーションデータと機械学習の手法であるニューラルネットワーク法を組み合わせ、銀河地図データから「宇宙論パラメータ」と呼ばれる、宇宙の性質を決める基本的な物理量を測定することに成功しました。

今回開発された新しい解析手法は、カブリIPMUが中心に進めるすばる望遠鏡超広視野多天体分光装置Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS)による銀河地図への応用により、ダークマターの総量、ダークエネルギーの性質などを解明し、現在の標準的な宇宙の理解を超えた新しい発見へと繋がる可能性を秘めています。

本研究成果は、2022年4⽉20⽇に⽶国の物理学専⾨誌「Physical Review D」にオンライン掲載されました。

・プレスリリース全文(Kavli IPMU ホームページ)
・論文概要「Physical Review D」

A team of researchers including Professor Masahiro TAKADA of the Institute for AI and Beyond, and Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) of the University of Tokyo, led by Postdoctoral Research Associate Yosuke KOBAYASHI at the University of Arizona combined machine learning technique, a neural network method with numerical simulation data by the supercomputer “ATERUI II” at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) to successfully generate theoretical predictions of the power spectrum, and then measure the most fundamental quantities which characterize properties of the universe such as the amount of dark matter.

The emulator developed in this study is expected to be applied to galaxy maps that will be captured by the Prime Focus Spectrograph, under development, led by the Kavli IPMU, to be mounted on NAOJ’s Subaru Telescope, to study dark matter mass and the nature of dark energy, leading to new discoveries beyond the current understanding of the universe.

Details of their study were published in Physical Review D on April 20, 2022

Professor Masahiro TAKADA is the Sub-Leader of the Basic Research Project entitled “New developments in AI through study of evolution of the Milky Way from initial quantum fluctuations to its assembly” at the Institute for AI and Beyond of the University of Tokyo.

Related Links:
・Full press release at Kavli IPMU official website
・Paper Abstract in Physical Review D

[受賞]原田達也教授が令和4年度 文部科学大臣表彰・科学技術賞(科学技術振興部門)を共同受賞されました。 [Awards]Professor Tatsuya HARADA jointly received the Awards for Science and Technology in Science and Technology Development Category

研究リーダーの原田達也教授(東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター)が、佐藤真一教授(国立情報学研究所)らとの共同研究による業績により、令和4年度 文部科学大臣表彰・科学技術賞(科学技術振興部門)を共同受賞しました(4月20日付)。



Professor Tatsuya HARADA of the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST)of the University of Tokyo was awarded the Science and Technology Award in the Science and Technology Promotion Category for the 2022 Commendation for Science and Technology from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) jointly with Professor Shinichi SATO of National Institute of Informatics (NII) and his research collaborators on April 20, 2022 for the contributions made by the “Medical Big-Data Cloud Platform and its application to AI automated diagnosis research”.

The "Commendation for Science and Technology from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology" is awarded to persons who have made outstanding achievements in research and development, promotion of understanding related to science and technology.

Professor Tatsuya HARADA is the Project Leader of the Basic Research (Advancement of Fundamental AI) project entitled "Automatic Learning of High Accurate Prediction Models from Limited Supervised Data" at the Institute for AI and Beyond of the University of Tokyo.

・東京大学 先端科学技術研究センターホームページ

・MEXT Homepage: Selected the 2022 Commendation for Science and Technology (Awards for Science and Technology in Research Category) by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (only in Japanese).
・Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo (only in Japanese):
・National Institute of Informatics (NII) News Release