国際シンポジウムを開催いたします International Symposium even Announcement
第2回 Beyond AI 研究推進機構 国際シンポジウム
“Ten years since the breakthrough in Deep Learning. Now looking to the Future”
The 2nd International Symposium, the Institute for AI and Beyond, the University of Tokyo
“Ten years since the breakthrough in Deep Learning. Now looking to the Future”

東京大学Beyond AI 研究推進機構の発足から2年。昨年に続いて国際シンポジウムを開催し、Beyond AI研究推進機構がAI の未来において果たせる様々な役割を考察します。
今年は、深層学習(ディープ・ラーニング)がAIにもたらしたブレークスルーから十周年にあたります。この節目の年に、シンポジウムでは「Ten years since the breakthrough in Deep Learning. Now looking to the Future」と題して、深層学習がわれわれ人間や身の回りの社会にどのように影響を与えるのか、量子や宇宙などの先端科学をどう変えていくのか、2つの大きな視点からこの分野の最先端研究を進める国内外の専門家とBeyond AI 研究推進機構の研究者が意見交換を行います。
Two years have passed since the launch of the University of Tokyo’s Institute for AI and Beyond. Following on from last year, we will be hosting an International Symposium to examine the various roles that the Institute for AI and Beyond can play in the future of AI.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the breakthrough that deep learning has brought to AI.
On this milestone year, a symposium entitled “Ten years since the breakthrough in Deep Learning. Now looking to the Future”, will bring experts from domestic and overseas and the Institute for AI and Beyond together to discuss the following two perspectives: how deep learning will affect in human and society, and how it will change the advanced science such as quantum and astrophysics.
Ten years after the breakthrough of deep learning, we will discuss and communicate to the international society, the present and future of deep learning, which has had a great impact on society, and the relationship between deep learning and society, culture, as well as science.
日時:2月12日(土)13:00-16:00 (JST)
場所:渋谷キューズ スクランブルホール
Date: Saturday, 12 February 2022
Time: 1:00pm-4:00pm (JST)
Symposium format: Hybrid (in person/online)
Registration opens: Tuesday, 11 January 2022