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第24回研究セミナー「大脳皮質視覚野の神経活動から動物が見ていた画像を復元する」 24th Research Seminar: Image reconstruction from neuronal activity in mouse primary visual cortex

2022年03月15日 第24回研究セミナー「大脳皮質視覚野の神経活動から動物が見ていた画像を復元する」を開催いたしました。
スピーカー:吉田 盛史 講師

The 24th Research Seminar was held on March 15, 2021.
Image reconstruction from neuronal activity in mouse primary visual cortex
Speaker: Takashi Yoshida / lecturer

【公開セミナー】第5回サイエンスカフェを開催いたします Fifth public seminar of the “Science Cafe” series will be held.

サイフェンスカフェはBeyond AI研究推進機構が開催する公開セミナーで、基礎研究(中長期研究)の研究リーダーとサイエンスコミュニケーターとの対談の形式により、研究内容の社会発信を試みます。研究リーダーのそれぞれの研究が、AIを通して、どのように進展してゆくのか、また、その進展の向こう側で、その研究の成果が社会とどのような関わりを持つかなど、について毎回テーマを設定して、発信してまいります。


日 時:2022年3月18日(金) 18:00-19:00
会 場:オンライン開催
講 師:大木 研一(大学院医学系研究科・教授)

Science Cafe is a public seminar series organized by the Institute for AI and Beyond, with the aim of disseminating the contents of research to society in the form of a dialogue between research leaders of Basic Research (Mid- and Long-term Research) and science communicators.
Each seminar will have a different theme, such as how AI will advance the research of each speaker and how the results from that research will be relevant to society in the future.

In the 5th Science Cafe, Professor Kenichi Ohki of the Graduate School of Medicine, a leading expert in the field of brain function, will discuss the current rapid progress in measuring brain activity while also utilizing AI.

Until now, image recognition by deterministic artificial intelligence has always returned the same output for the same input. On the other hand, recognition by the human brain can show different responses to the same input, depending on the internal state, and can make flexible decisions according to the situation. By elucidating the information processing that actually takes place in the brain and reproducing it with artificial intelligence, we aim to realize a robust and flexible artificial intelligence that cannot be achieved with the current principles of artificial intelligence.
In this Science Cafe, we will discuss the technology used in the measurement of brain activity and the forefront of clarifying information processing in the brain, as well as the problems of current artificial intelligence and the direction it should go in order for it to develop further.

5th Science Cafe
Date & Time: Friday, March 18, 2022 18:00-19:00
Venue: Online
Speaker: Kenichi Ohki (Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)

*Please note that this seminar is in Japanese only.

大木 研一(大学院医学系研究科・教授)

Kenichi Ohki (Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)

アーカイブ動画:第4回「サイエンスカフェ」(字幕版) Subtitle ver. The video archive: 4th public seminar "Science Cafe".



The archived video of the subtitled version of the 4th "Science Cafe" is now available.

The 4th Science Cafe was held in multiple languages (with Japanese interpretation).
This archive video is the original sound source with Japanese/English subtitles.

Archived video (subtitled):

日 時:2022年1月17日(月) 17:00-18:00
会 場:オンライン開催
講 師:久野 愛(大学院情報学環・准教授)
    Shuang Lu Frost(オーフス大学・講師)
ファシリテーター:高祖 歩美(国立遺伝学研究所 NBRP広報室 広報室長)

※視聴者のみなさまによる本動画の録画、録音、スクリーンショット等はご遠慮ください。メディア報道等をご検討の際は事前に東京大学Beyond AI 研究推進機構事務局(までご連絡ください

4th Science Cafe
Date & Time: Monday, January 17, 2022 17:00-18:00
Venue: Online
Ai Hisano (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo)
Shuang Lu Frost (Assistant Professor, Department of Digital Design and Information Studies, Aarhus University)
Ayumi Koso (Director, National BioResource Project PR Office, National Institute of Genetics)

* Caution
Please do not record or screenshot this symposium.
Please contact us ( in advance for media coverage.

第23回研究セミナー「AIのダイバーシティ倫理を測定する」 23th Research Seminar: Measuring the Diversity Ethics of AI

2022年02月01日 第23回研究セミナー「AIのダイバーシティ倫理を測定する」を開催いたしました。
スピーカー:横山 広美 教授 一方井 祐子 准教授(金沢大学)

The 23th Research Seminar was held on February 1, 2021.
Measuring the Diversity Ethics of AI
Speaker: Hiromi Yokoyama / Professor  Yuko Ikkatai / Associate Professor, Kanazawa University

第22回研究セミナー「AIを用いて自閉スペクトラムへのスティグマをどのようにして減らすか」 22th Research Seminar: How to reduce the stigma against autism spectrum condition using AI.

2022年01月18日 第22回研究セミナー「AIを用いて自閉スペクトラムへのスティグマをどのようにして減らすか」を開催いたしました。
スピーカー:熊谷 晋一郎 准教授

The 22th Research Seminar was held on January 18, 2021.
How to reduce the stigma against autism spectrum condition using AI.
Speaker: Shin-ichiro Kumagaya / Associate Professor

アーカイブ動画:第4回「サイエンスカフェ」(オリジナル音声版) Original audio ver. The video archive: 4th public seminar "Science Cafe".




Thank you for your registration and viewing of 4th public seminar "Science Cafe" of the Institute for AI and Beyond.
The video archive of the seminar is now available. If you missed the seminar, please take this opportunity to watch it.

The 4th Science Cafe was held in multiple languages (with Japanese interpretation).
This archive video is the original audio version (multilingual version).
We are currently preparing the archive video with subtitles in both Japanese and English.
We will let you know when it is ready.

Archived video :

日 時:2022年1月17日(月) 17:00-18:00
会 場:オンライン開催
講 師:久野 愛(大学院情報学環・准教授)
    Shuang Lu Frost(オーフス大学・講師)
ファシリテーター:高祖 歩美(国立遺伝学研究所 NBRP広報室 広報室長)

※視聴者のみなさまによる本動画の録画、録音、スクリーンショット等はご遠慮ください。メディア報道等をご検討の際は事前に東京大学Beyond AI 研究推進機構事務局(までご連絡ください

4th Science Cafe
Date & Time: Monday, January 17, 2022 17:00-18:00
Venue: Online
Ai Hisano (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo)
Shuang Lu Frost (Assistant Professor, Department of Digital Design and Information Studies, Aarhus University)
Ayumi Koso (Director, National BioResource Project PR Office, National Institute of Genetics)

* Caution
Please do not record or screenshot this symposium.
Please contact us ( in advance for media coverage.

【公開セミナー】第4回サイエンスカフェを開催いたします Fourth public seminar of the “Science Cafe” series will be held.

サイフェンスカフェはBeyond AI研究推進機構が開催する公開セミナーで、基礎研究(中長期研究)の研究リーダーとサイエンスコミュニケーターとの対談の形式により、研究内容の社会発信を試みます。研究リーダーのそれぞれの研究が、AIを通して、どのように進展してゆくのか、また、その進展の向こう側で、その研究の成果が社会とどのような関わりを持つかなど、について毎回テーマを設定して、発信してまいります。

第4回は、歴史学研究において技術史および社会史を専門とする、久野 愛准教授(情報学環)と「AIと社会」をテーマに技術開発の倫理的問題や社会的影響など、AIの社会性について対談を行います。今回は、AI研究で国際的に活躍する、オーフス大学のShuang Lu Frost講師をゲストスピーカーにお迎えします。

日 時:2022年1月17日(月) 17:00-18:00
会 場:オンライン開催
講 師:久野 愛(大学院情報学環・准教授)
    Shuang Lu Frost(オーフス大学・講師)
ファシリテーター:高祖 歩美(国立遺伝学研究所 NBRP広報室 広報室長)
テーマ:「Social Imaginary of AI in East Asia」


Science Cafe is a public seminar series organized by the Institute for AI and Beyond, with the aim of disseminating the contents of research to society in the form of a dialogue between research leaders of Basic Research (Mid- and Long-term Research) and science communicators.
Each seminar will have a different theme, such as how AI will advance the research of each speaker and how the results from that research will be relevant to society in the future.

At the 4th Science Cafe, Dr. Ai Hisano, Associate Professor at the Department of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, who specializes in the history of technology and social history, will discuss social issues, including ethics, related to the development of AI. We will invite Dr. Shuang Lu Frost, Assistant Professor at Aarhus University, who has written widely on the social implications of AI.

The development of AI has brought about unprecedented technological progress in human history, and has greatly contributed to economic development and improvement of convenience in daily life. However, some scholars have pointed out in recent years that such technological development could promote the exclusion of social minorities and increase social inequality. Part of these social problems is related to the fact that the development and use of AI is not necessarily neutral but reflect, and are influenced by, social, cultural, and political changes. For example, engineers and researchers are unconsciously influenced by their social norms, cultural values, and ethical standards, and what they consider “ideal technology” is contingent on the context. Exploring the role of AI in society, we will discuss various implications of the development and use of AI.

4th Science Cafe
Date & Time: Monday, January 17, 2022 17:00-18:00
Venue: Online
Ai Hisano (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo)
Shuang Lu Frost (Assistant Professor, Department of Digital Design and Information Studies, Aarhus University)
Ayumi Koso (Director, National BioResource Project PR Office, National Institute of Genetics)

Language: English (Japanese simultaneous interpretation provided)

久野 愛(東京大学院情報学環・准教授)

Shuang Lu Frost(オーフス大学・講師)

Ai Hisano (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo)

Shuang Lu Frost (Assistant Professor, Department of Digital Design and Information Studies, Aarhus University)

アーカイブ映像:第3回「サイエンスカフェ」 Archived video : Third public seminar "Science Cafe".



Thank you for your registration and viewing of Third public seminar "Science Cafe" of the Institute for AI and Beyond.
The archived video of the seminar is now available. If you missed the symposium, please take this opportunity to watch it.

Archived video :

日 時:2021年12月22日(水) 18:00-19:00
会 場:オンライン開催
講 師:齊藤 英治(大学院工学系研究科・教授)

※視聴者のみなさまによる本動画の録画、録音、スクリーンショット等はご遠慮ください。メディア報道等をご検討の際は事前に東京大学Beyond AI 研究推進機構事務局(までご連絡ください

*Please note that this seminar is in Japanese only.
3rd Science Cafe
Date & Time: Wednesday, December 22, 2021 18:00-19:00
Venue: Online
Speaker: Eiji Saitoh (Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)

* Caution
Please do not record or screenshot this symposium.
Please contact us ( in advance for media coverage.

第21回研究セミナー「音源分離研究の現状とこれから ~弱い教師情報の活用に向けて~」 21th Research Seminar: Current and Future Research on Audio Source Separation - Towards Leveraging Weak Supervision

2021年12月21日 第21回研究セミナー「音源分離研究の現状とこれから ~弱い教師情報の活用に向けて~」を開催いたしました。
スピーカー:伊藤 信貴 特任講師

The 21th Research Seminar was held onDecember 21, 2021.
Current and Future Research on Audio Source Separation - Towards Leveraging Weak Supervision
Speaker: Nobutaka Ito / Project Lecturer

【公開セミナー】第3回サイエンスカフェを開催いたします Third public seminar of the “Science Cafe” series will be held.

サイフェンスカフェはBeyond AI研究推進機構が開催する公開セミナーで、基礎研究(中長期研究)の研究リーダーとサイエンスコミュニケーターとの対談の形式により、研究内容の社会発信を試みます。研究リーダーのそれぞれの研究が、AIを通して、どのように進展してゆくのか、また、その進展の向こう側で、その研究の成果が社会とどのような関わりを持つかなど、について毎回テーマを設定して、発信してまいります。

第3回は、量子物性科学における世界的リーダーである、齊藤 英治教授(大学院工学系研究科)と、現在急速に研究が進展しつつあるミクロなスケールで起きる量子物性現象や量子コンピュータについて対談を行います。

日 時:2021年12月22日(水) 18:00-19:00
会 場:オンライン開催
講 師:齊藤 英治(大学院工学系研究科・教授)
ファシリテーター:松谷良佑 (日本科学未来館・科学コミュニケーター)


Science Cafe is a public seminar series organized by the Institute for AI and Beyond, with the aim of disseminating the contents of research to society in the form of a dialogue between research leaders of Basic Research (Mid- and Long-term Research) and science communicators.
Each seminar will have a different theme, such as how AI will advance the research of each speaker and how the results from that research will be relevant to society in the future.

In the third seminar, Professor Eiji Saito (Graduate School of Engineering), a leading expert in the field of quantum materials science, will talk about the quantum phenomena and quantum computers on a microscopic scale, both of which are currently experiencing rapid advances in its research.
In recent years, the ability to create extremely small materials at high speed and significant advances in micro-scale measurement techniques have made it possible to measure a variety of quantum physical phenomena. Quantum physical phenomena are systems in which multiple degrees of freedom influence each other, and as these phenomena become clearer, our understanding of physical laws changes.
In addition, it is very difficult for human eyes to find the regularity of these phenomena in the data obtained, and by using AI, Prof. Saito is trying to open up a new academic field that aims to decipher quantum properties that were previously incomprehensible. We will touch on the future prospects of this research and discuss the interface between this remarkable progress and social systems.

3rd Science Cafe
Date & Time: Wednesday, December 22, 2021 18:00-19:00
Venue: Online
Speaker: Eiji Saitoh (Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)

*Please note that this seminar is in Japanese only.