米国で開催されたRome Call for AI Ethics: A Global University Summitに板津木綿子教授、矢口祐人教授、久野愛准教授が参加 Professor Yuko Itatsu and her colleagues participated in “Rome Call for AI Ethics: A Global University Summit”
10月26日、27日にノートルダム大学(米インディアナ州)で、Rome Call for AI Ethics: A Global University Summitが開催され、中長期研究プロジェクト、“B’AI Global Forum(ビー・エイアイ グローバル・フォーラム) AI時代における真のジェンダー平等社会の実現とマイノリティの権利保障のための規範・倫理・実践研究”より、研究リーダーの板津木綿子 大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 教授、矢口祐人 同大学院 教授、久野愛 同大学院 准教授が参加した。
初日のセッション3:AI倫理と政策に続くパネルディスカッションでは、矢口教授が登壇。又、ポスターセッションでは板津教授、久野准教授が、B’AI Global Forum および Beyond AI 推進機構の活動についての紹介を行った。
Professor Yuko Itatsu, Professor Yujin Yaguchi, and Associate Professor Ai Hisano participated in the Global University Summit for the Rome Call for AI Ethics held on October 26 and 27, 2022, on the campus of the University of Notre Dame.
Profs. Itatsu, Yaguchi and Hisano belong to the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo and are members of the Mid- and Long-term Research Project " B’AI Global Forum: Research on norms, ethics and praxis for a truly gender equal society and a guarantee of rights for minorities in the AI age ".
The summit featured presentations of the latest research, keynote speeches, panel discussions, and networking events aimed at examining the role of universities through research, education, and policy in developing ethical approaches to artificial intelligence (AI).
Professor Yaguchi was invited to talk at the panel discussion of the Session 3 on the 26th, representing the Institute for AI and Beyond, while Professor Itatsu and Associate Professor Hisano shared a poster presentation highlighting the approaches of both the B’AI Global Forum and the Institute for AI and Beyond.

・Global University Summit for the Rome Call for AI Ethics
・Rome Call for AI Ethics
・B'AI Global Forum HP
<Related Links>
・Global University Summit for the Rome Call for AI Ethics
・Rome Call for AI Ethics
・B'AI Global Forum HP