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[募集] [学内限定] ソフトバンクと東京大学の協創(Beyond AI 連携事業)において NVIDIA DGX SuperPODを活用して課題解決に挑戦する研究グループを募集 [Call for Proposals][for UTokyo teaching staff Only] Call for Research Groups to Solve Challenges Using NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD in the joint project between SoftBank and the University of Tokyo (Beyond AI Joint Project)


ソフトバンクとのBeyond AI 連携事業では、研究成果の社会実装・事業化を目的としたエコシステムの形成を目指しています。

今般、Beyond AI 研究推進機構では、生成AIに関連するテーマの産業化促進のため、ソフトバンク株式会社が抱える課題を解決したり、新たな研究アイディアを提案したりする研究グループ(一人でも可、学生のみは不可)を募集いたします。研究を行うにあたり、ソフトバンク株式会社からは以下が無償で提供されます。

1.大規模AIコンピューティング「NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD」(無償)

以上に加えて、Beyond AI 連携事業のプレハイサイクル研究の枠組みで研究予算が提供されます。

■ 公募概要(プレハイサイクル研究)


宛先:bai.kenkyushien.adm[at] [at]を@に変えてください。
(Beyond AI 研究推進機構 研究支援担当)


To the University of Tokyo faculty,

Beyond AI Joint Project with SoftBank aims to build an ecosystem for the social implementation and commercialization of research results through the Institute for AI and Beyond.
Currently, the Institute promotes mid-to-long-term (basic research) and “high-cycle” research (applied research). In high-cycle research, we aim to achieve social implementation and commercialization through the establishment of collaborative innovation partnerships (CIP) and eventually the establishment of companies, contributing to the further development of AI research in Japan and the realization of a better society.

The Institute for AI and Beyond has decided to call for proposals from research groups (individuals are also acceptable, but not students only) to solve issues faced by SoftBank or propose new research ideas to promote the industrialization of themes related to generative AI.
The following will be provided free of charge by SoftBank for conducting research:

1. Large-scale AI computing "NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD" (free of charge)
2. Support for building the necessary environment to utilize the above SuperPOD (free of charge)
3. Creation of AI learning data necessary for research (free of charge only if requested to be created by Softbank)

In addition, research budgets will be provided within the framework of pre-high-cycle research in Beyond AI Joint Project with SoftBank.

Overview of the Call for Proposals (Pre-High-Cycle Research)
■ Research Period: In principle, within one year (if crossing fiscal years, settlement is done annually)
■ Research Budget (excluding the above free provisions): Direct costs up to 10 million yen per project
■ Number of Projects to be Promoted: Approximately 6 projects
■ Eligibility: Faculty members (including project faculty members) and researchers (such as project researchers) with an employment relationship with the University of Tokyo
■ Application Deadline: By 18:00 on Monday, January 20, 2025 (JST)
■ Others: Decision on acceptance or rejection will be made after interview by the institute and consultation with the SoftBank researchers.
Themes other than those being recruited are also accepted, but themes that cannot create synergy with SoftBank may not be adopted.

※ Please be sure to check the following PDF (jn Japanese) for details (including how to apply).

Please send any queries you may have regarding the invitation for proposals to the following address:
Please change [at] to @
(Research Support Team at the Institute for AI and Beyond)


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