Projects 研究プロジェクト
B’AI Global Forum (ビー・エイアイ グローバル・フォーラム) AI時代における真のジェンダー平等社会の実現とマイノリティの権利保障のための規範・倫理・実践研究 B’AI Global Forum: Research on norms, ethics and praxis for a truly gender equal society and a guarantee of rights for minorities in the AI age
- 研究リーダー Project Leader
東京大学 大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo
- 研究担当者 Researcher
林 香里 教授 Kaori Hayashi Professor
矢口 祐人 教授 Yujin Yaguchi Professor
伊藤 たかね 特任教授 Takane Ito Project Professor
越塚 登 教授 Noboru Koshizuka Professor
佐倉 統 教授 Osamu Sakura Professor
Miles Pennington 教授 Miles Richard Pennington Professor
山口 利恵 准教授 Rie Yamaguchi Associate Professor
呉 先珍 特任助教 Sunjin OH Project Assistant Professor
加藤 穂香 特任研究員 Honoka Kato Project Researcher
久野 愛 准教授 Ai Hisano Associate Professor
大西 晶子 教授 Akiko Onishi Professor
江間 有沙 准教授 Arisa Ema Associate Professor
横山 広美 教授 Hiromi Yokoyama Professor
高梨 直紘 特任准教授 Naohiro Takanashi Project Associate Professor
河原 理子 特任教授 Michiko Kawahara Project Professor
田中 東子 教授 Tohko Tanaka Professor
藤田 結子 准教授 Yuiko Fujita Associate Professor
- 研究協力者 Research Collaborator
- 水越 伸 Shin Mizukoshi 小島 慶子 Keiko Kojima 治部 れんげ Renge Jibu 山本 恵子 Keiko Yamamoto 李 美淑 Misook Lee 何 欣琪 Xinqi He 白河 桃子 Touko Shirakawa 章 蓉 Rong Zhang 田中 瑛 Akira Tanaka 大月 希望 Nozomi Ohtsuki Priya Mu Priya Mu William Guzman William Guzman Galina Shyndriaeva Galina Shyndriaeva Alyssa Castillo YAP Alyssa Castillo YAP Jingzhi HUANG Jingzhi HUANG マシュー・スエダ Matthew Sueda
- [開催案内] Jo Healey氏 講演会 「トラウマレポーティング—被害者とサバイバーへのより良い取材を求めて」開催のご案内 [Event Information] Lecture by Jo Healey “Trauma Reporting: Exploring Sensitive Working Practices for Journalists when Interviewing Victims and Survivors”
- [開催案内] 李 靜愛(Lee Chong-ae)氏 講演会「韓国の記者がトラウマについて話すようになるまで」開催のご案内 [Event Information] Lecture by Chong-ae LEE “How South Korean Journalists Began Speaking About Trauma”
- [開催案内] B’AI Global Forum 設立5周年記念シンポジウム 開催のお知らせ(2024年11月18日) [Event Information] B’AI Global Forum 5th Anniversary Symposium
- [開催案内] B’AI Global Forum × CulturIA 共同ワークショップ:Cultural Imaginaries of AI: From Technology to Art 開催のお知らせ(2024年5月13日) [Event Information] B’AI Global Forum × CulturIA:Cultural Imaginaries of AI: From technology to art
- 第2回GENEEシンポジウム「生成AIのもたらす社会課題 ー データバイアス・フェイクニュース・揺さぶられる法制度」にB’AI グローバル・フォーラムの板津リーダーらが登壇 Profs. Yuko Itatsu, Kaori Hayashi, Tohko Tanaka of the B'AI Global Forum spoke at the 2nd GENEE Symposium titled “Social Challenges Brought by Generative AI: Data Bias, Fake News, and Disordered Legal Systems”
- 板津木綿子リーダーがNHK日曜討論「広がるAI=人工知能 私たちはどう向き合う?」に出演 Yuko Itatsu, Leader of the Basic research project appeared on NHK’s Sunday Debate and participated in a discussion about AI
- B’AI グローバル・フォーラムの編著『AIから読み解く社会 ――権力化する最新技術』が刊行されました B’AI Global Forum has published its first book “Understanding AI in Society: How Technology Exerts Power.”
- 米国で開催されたRome Call for AI Ethics: A Global University Summitに板津木綿子教授、矢口祐人教授、久野愛准教授が参加 Professor Yuko Itatsu and her colleagues participated in “Rome Call for AI Ethics: A Global University Summit”
社会におけるAIの問題 Overview

The B’AI Global Forum searches for effective ways to realize our social goal of creating a gender-equal society and guaranteeing minority rights in the era where AI pervades every aspect of our lives.
Today’s world faces serious challenges, with ever-continuing economic gap and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, and gender. In particular, as the forms of communication mediated by digital technologies have become increasingly conspicuous in all realms of society including politics, economy and culture, especially since the spread of COVID-19 in 2020, the economic gap and discriminations are said to be worsening throughout the world.
In order to confront such social challenges, our project questions the fundamental values of modernity that have prioritized the progress of science and technology, and also promotes the intellectual endeavor to understand the formation of the contemporary social institutions and organizational structure.
We plan to do this by collaborating with researchers, practitioners, journalists and other citizens to identify current problems and seek and propose solutions so that the latest technology such as AI may enrich every human life.
Details of Project
B’AI Global Forum The four pillars of the B’AI Global Forum
東京大学は研究教育組織として「すべての人が持てる力を発揮し、また、価値観の多様性が認められ、それが社会の発展に繋がる、持続可能でインクルーシヴな社会」を目指す責務が課せられています。私たちは、本プロジェクトを、東京大学から発信する「AIと社会」の研究として、AI技術の発展に際し情報技術があらゆる人にとって貢献するものとなるようにという動機をもって着想しこのプロジェクトを「B’AI Global Forum Project」と名付けました。この「B’」には、AI以前の言論・表現空間の歴史(before)、AI発展の背後の利害(behind)、下部構造(beneath)など、AI等の技術を取り巻く歴史やそれを支える社会構造を多角的に考察していこうという意味が込められています。ダイバーシティ社会を実現するために、ジェンダー平等とマイノリティの権利保障という社会目標を、AIが社会のあらゆる局面に浸透する時代にいかによりよく実現していくかを主眼としています。
We decided to title our project the “B’AI Global Forum.” The “B’” represents our intention to pay attention to the history of discourse and representation before AI, various competing interests behind the development of AI, and the structure beneath AI. In other words, the name of our project shows our goal of conducting a multi-perspective analysis on the history and social structure that produced and enabled modern technologies such as AI.
The B’AI Global Forum consists of four themes.
[1] Analyze discrimination and violence against women and minorities by the digital information technologies, including AI
[2] Design a diverse and inclusive mediascape by the digital information technologies, including AI
[3] Create an interdisciplinary global forum where young researchers, entrepreneurs, practitioners, and other citizens come together to discuss issues related to AI and society
[4] Reconceptualizing ethics for digital information age and practice inclusive education based on those ethics
Values / Hopes
本研究プロジェクトが切り開く未来の可能性 Our two goals
Specifically, the B’AI Global Forum focuses on two goals:
[1] Critically and self-reflexively examining the relationship between society and digital information technologies including AI
[2] Realizing fair and just discourse in the public sphere
By creating a “global forum” that focuses on the AI society, this project will provide spaces for fair and just expressions and speech essential for human diversity, freedom, equality, and symbiosis, and pursue coexistence of the AI society and democracy.

Research outcome
1) AIをはじめデジタル情報技術による女性やマイノリティへの差別・暴力の解明
まず、女性やマイノリティに対してAI技術がいかなる排除的な影響をもたらしてきたのかを、共同研究や読書会を通じて検討してきました。たとえば、東京大学国際高等研究所カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構の横山広美研究室と共同で、「AI利用の意識に関する4か国調査」を実施し、論文としてまとめているところです。これは日本・アメリカ・ドイツ・韓国の市民を対象に、性別・障害・性的指向・移民に対する平等意識とAI知識レベルが、AI利用のELSI態度とどのように関係するかを調べるものです。加えて、AIをはじめデジタル情報技術の社会的な応用に関する論考を勉強する輪読会を定期的に実施してきたほか、レジャースタディーズ研究会との共催でメタバースでのマイノリティ差別に関する講演会を実施しました。また、AIによって生じうる差別構造の解明について、メンバーによる精力的な発信を行なっています。たとえば、院生メンバーのグループの活動は、市民向けの展示企画「PERCEPTIONS: AIの語りの再構築」に結実し、来場者のAIに対する認識を浮かび上がらせることにつながりました。
2) AIをはじめデジタル情報技術による多様かつインクルーシヴなメディア表現空間の設計
3) 若手研究者を中心としたAIをめぐる文理融合・産官学民協働グローバル・フォーラムの創設
4) デジタル情報化時代の倫理の再考、およびそれに基づくインクルーシヴ教育の実践
加えて、デジタル情報化が進む現代における倫理を検討し、改善させるべくインクルーシヴ教育を推進させています。その一つの試みとして、これまでのB’AIにおけるデジタル化時代の倫理に関する議論をまとめあげた書籍、B'AIグローバルフォーラム・板津木綿子・久野愛編著『AIから読み解く社会――権力化する最新技術』(東京大学出版会)を出版しました。本書については、2023年7月に刊行記念イベントを開催し、多くの若手研究者を交えた多角的な議論が展開され、本書の可能性と今後の課題が浮き彫りになりました。2023年12月には東京大学ニューヨークオフィスにて「A I時代における高等教育の未来」と題したシンポジウムを開催し、藤井総長、ノースイースタン大学のジョセフ・アウン学長を迎え鼎談をはじめ、人文と情報工学の米国研究者も招いたパネル討論を行いました。
さらに、東京大学の前期課程生を対象とした授業である全学自由ゼミを開講し、AIやデジタル技術と社会の関係を学ぶ機会をつくってきました。具体的には、2021年には前期課程生を対象とした主題科目である全学自由ゼミ“AI and Society”をSセメスターに開講しました。2023年Aセメスターには、性的マイノリティのデジタルアーカイブの倫理に関する学部生向けの授業として、全学自由ゼミナール「マイノリティ・デジタルアーカイブをつくる」を開講しています。また、学内で居心地の悪さを感じやすい理工系分野の女性学生が気軽に交流できるように、「Women in Tech Lunch」を開催しています。
The B'AI Global Forum has focused on women and minorities who are likely to be oppressed by AI technologies and has explored from various perspectives how to better achieve a gender-equal society and guarantee of minority rights in the AI society.
(1) Understanding discrimination and violence against women and minorities by AI and other digital information technologies
First, through joint research and reading sessions, we have examined the exclusionary effects of AI technology on women and minorities. For example, in collaboration with the Hiromi Yokoyama Laboratory of the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics at the University of Tokyo, we have conducted a "Four-Country Survey on the Attitudes Toward AI Use," which we are currently compiling into a paper. This will examine how equality attitudes toward gender, disability, sexual orientation, and immigration, as well as AI knowledge levels, relate to ELSI attitudes toward AI use among citizens of Japan, the United States, Germany, and South Korea. We have also held regular roundtable discussions to explore the social applications of AI and other digital information technologies, and co-organized a lecture on minority discrimination in the metaverse with the Leisure Studies Research Group. In addition, our members have been active in providing information to clarify discriminatory structures that may arise from AI. For example, the activities of a group of graduate student members resulted in a public exhibition, "PERCEPTIONS: Reconstructing AI Narratives," which highlighted visitors' perceptions of AI.
(2) Designing Diverse and Inclusive Media Expression Spaces with AI and Other Digital Information Technologies
We have been working on the subprojects to examine diversity and inclusivity, particularly in media spaces. First, MeDi (Association for Fundamental Consideration of Media and Diversity) has conducted workshops for reporters, directors, and editors working in the media to discuss issues of gender expression in news coverage of various topics and how to improve it. We have also published a book, Iine botan wo osumaeni [Before Pressing the 'Like' Button] (2023), held events to celebrate its publication. Later in November 2023, MeDi shed light on the state of gender inequality in Japanese media in a major symposium by reflecting on its activities over the past six years. Other symposiums have examined the ethics of trauma reporting through reading sessions with reporters and others working in the field in the Trauma Reporting Study Group, chaired by Michiko Kawahara.
(3) Creating a global forum for collaboration between the humanities and sciences, industry, government, academia, and the private sector on AI, led by early-career researchers.
We have worked to create a broad network of research and practice across national boundaries, with a focus on young researchers. First, the BAIRAL study group, which met about six times a year on a voluntary basis and was run by research assistants, promoted research exchanges that merged the humanities and sciences, with discussions on various topics such as when algorithmic judgment becomes discrimination and what ethical issues are involved in AI characters. In addition, a workshop was held in September 2023, inviting overseas intellectuals from Northwestern University to conduct research exchanges on AI technology and ethics that transcend the boundaries of humanities and sciences. We have also deepened our interactions and research exchanges with SoftBank, including advising on SoftBank's AI ethics policy and planning new joint research on digital archives. We also planned and held joint events with the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan).
(4) Rethinking ethics in the digital information age and implementing inclusive education based on these ethics.
We are promoting inclusive education to examine and improve ethics in the age of digital information technology. As one of our attempts, we have published a book summarizing B'AI's past discussions on ethics in the age of digitalization, AI kara yomitoku shakai - kenryokukasuru nippon saishingijutsu [Understanding AI in Society: How Technology Exerts Power], edited by B'AI Global Forum, Yuko Itatsu and Ai Hisano (University of Tokyo Press, 2023). In July 2023, we held an event to celebrate the publication of the book, where we had a multifaceted discussion with many young researchers, highlighting the potential of the book and future challenges. In December 2023, we held an event at the UTokyo New York Office on the future of higher education in the AI age. In this two-day event, we had a fireside chat between President Fujii and Northeastern University President, Dr. Joseph Aoun, as well as a cross-disciplinary panel discussion with US experts specializing in the humanities and computer science.
In addition, we have created opportunities for students to learn about the relationship between AI and digital technology and society by offering a seminar for undergraduate students at the University of Tokyo. Specifically, in 2021, we offered a seminar on "AI and Society," and in 2023, we offered a class on the ethics of digital archiving of sexual minorities entitled "Creating Minority Digital Archives." We also hold a "Women in Tech Lunch" so that female students in science and engineering fields, who tend to feel uncomfortable on campus, can interact with each other in a casual setting.
※For more detail, please refer to the URL below.